I’m having a hard time with no weight, what’s so bad about it? Siete posibles razones que te impiden adelgazar

Have a look at the vacations and vacations one day at the top of the gym, corriendo o haciendo el deport que más te guste. The quiz lives on here, because I know that care is not something that only debates a few months.

But you have to pay attention to the results, and you do not know what. What is your case? Echa un vistazo a este artikel en el que vamos a repasar what things can be entorpeciendo tus esfuerzos.

Lose weight in women over 50: how to keep your diet

Nee het reparado en la alimentación

It’s a very common mistake to think that simply making a request will take you to adelgazar, but the world is that if you are not sure what to expect, the owner is not enough.


To adelgazar need create a caloric deficit in the que we eat more calories than we consume. In addition, it is recommended that these calories be provided with good quality foods, plenty of vegetable origin, ultra-processed foods and eliminating added sugars as possible.

So want to know that you can play in the gym but if you have refreshments, precocious and bollard, for example, your weight can be equal or included. The owner is basic for a healthy living, but if you want to adagazar, you should also make changes in your diet.

Tienes demasiado estrés

El estrés from work to work and the routine can be judged on your behalf, and one of its effects can be difficult to lose weight.

The schoolhoof’s motive is that one of the effects of stress is that hace that our appetizing comedas with a mayor content of sugar as a form of compensation, for calmarnos.

But in addition, the stresses can provoke insomnia, that you can help you to achieve: the failure of your skin affects the production of hormones that we help to feel when we come, and by that we can end up proving that we get more and less weight.

No one is really good at it

Can be on estre or on any other motive: jet lag, change of schedules through the verona, chronic sleep or any other problem. The case is that, as we say, give little sleep can be a motive for not consecrating weight loss.


Specifically, insomnia affects the production of hormones, called leptin and ghrelin, which act to regulate the sensations of hambre and saciedad. When the failure of money does not compensate for its production, these sensational changes, and can lead to more.

It has the slowest metabolism

Some people have more difficulties in learning that their metabolism is more slow. Metabolism is the series of Chemical reactions that will help our body to realize its goals, especially those that increase the energy of the foods we eat.

We all have the same reactions, but some people are more fast and efficient and eat more calories, while others, who are less. For this, committing the same, a person engordan and otras no.

The metabolism is different in each one, and can also be vary in distant periods of life segun nuestra edad, si padecemos algunas enfermedad metabolica, si fumamos o no, o los embarazos.

Padeces hypothyroidism

The metabolism of the anterior point is regulated by the hormones produced in the thyroid gland, a gland located in the spring, above the keyboard. When the thyroid does not function at the rate at which it is deficient and does not produce hormone deficiencies, it is a problem of hypothyroidism.

In these cases the metabolism is extremely slow, and there are some effects on body weight and health, such as fatigue, intolerance during holidays and weight gain between others.


If you believe that it can be your case, acude to a medical professional in order to realize the adequate diagnosis and prescribe the treatment that is necessary. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items.

No baby is enough

Being well hydrated is part of a healthy routine, but it can also help you lose weight.

By a lad, because a menu confundimos la sed con el hambre, and we come to know in reality what we need to be. For another, because it has been tested that beber water you can help lose weight. Beber a large water vase antes of the help aids sent senti antes reducing the number of calories. Además, because berry water influences the metabolism, forms which is between 24 and 35% more calories.

Adelgazar los muslos o la barriga: the science explains why it is not possible to lose weight in a specific zone of your body

If you are losing weight, you should not lose it

When we lose weight, in reality we refer to horse grass corporal. If what we are doing is needed, convert it into something that we consider sober in the muscle.

Perder Peso

The problem is that if our progress alone is mediated by the number that we of the base, can be engaged: quizas are losing weight and converting to muscle, but we are going through it, including more.

For this reason we do not limit ourselves only to the bascula, and fijarnos in other details that our indians are using good buen camino: if our efforts are less, we will make the most active, if the people will call us more, if we find our most attractive, if we have more and our most active.

This article was originally published by Rocío Pérez in August 2018 and has been revised for its republic.

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