If you notice it in your mouth, you can give it coverage, experts warn

Your body can tell you a lot about your health, especially regarding the coronavirus, which can affect many different parts of your body. COVID can cause symptoms in your eyes, your feet, your hands and even your mouth. Believe it or not, observing your mouth can help you discover that you are infected with the virus. According to experts, you may have COVID if you notice any of these four symptoms in your mouth. Read on to learn more about the telltale signs, to notice more symptoms: if this part of your body hurts, you may have it.


A white tongue

Young woman looking at her tongue in the mirror
Young woman looking at her tongue in the mirror

A change in the appearance of the tongue is one of the latest mouth-related symptoms reported. Tim Spector, PhD, an epidemiologist and lead researcher for the app ZOE COVID Symptom Study, has a photo of a patient with a white tongue which looks like a condition called geographical tongue. Spector indicated that this ‘COVID tongue’ may be one of the ‘less common symptoms’ experienced by patients not included on the official public health lists.

According to the Mayo Clinic, geographic tongue is an inflammatory condition, which may indicate its association with the coronavirus. A study from August 2020 published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases said that when cells with ACE2 receptors become infected with the virus, it can cause inflammatory reactions in related organs and tissues, such as the tongue. And for more common coronavirus symptoms, discover the “strongest, most consistent” sign you have, study says.


Rash and stomach ulcers

close middle-aged man injured due to toothache symptom, unhealthy understanding of life
close middle-aged man injured due to toothache symptom, unhealthy understanding of life

Skin rash has been heavily documented as a symptom of the coronavirus, but you may also experience mouth rash. According to WebMD, a Spanish study published in the journal JAMA Dermatology was the first to identify this symptom, called enanthem, which occurs as a rash or stomach ulcers in the mouth. In the study, enanthem usually appears from two days before the onset of other coronavirus symptoms until 24 days thereafter.

Michele Green, MD, a dermatologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, told WebMD that enanthem is not a surprising symptom for the coronavirus, given how it develops in other infections. “It is very common in patients with viral infections such as chickenpox and hand, foot and mouth disease. It is characteristic of very viral rash to affect the mucous membranes,” she explained. And for more news on the coronavirus, Dr Fauci has just issued this act warning about the British COVID strain.


Metal taste

The woman can not taste ice cream
The woman can not taste ice cream

A December 2020 study published in the Neurological clinical practice found that 62.4 percent of cases of coronavirus have symptoms of dysgeusia, which is a distortion of the sense of taste. And although many people know that loss of taste is a symptom of the coronavirus, they may not realize that it can first appear as a metallic taste in their mouth. Robert Korn, MD, a physician in emergency medicine in New York, told Refinery29 that a metallic taste in your mouth may just be an altered taste to lose the feeling completely. ‘And sign up for our daily newsletter for more information.



Take care of lips.  Woman applying lip balm and looking in the mirror at the bathroom.  Portrait of a beautiful African girl model with beauty face and natural make-up using lip product with finger
Take care of lips. Woman applying lip balm and looking in the mirror at the bathroom. Portrait of a beautiful African girl model with beauty face and natural makeup using lip product with finger

A September 2020 study in the Ear, nose and throat journal concluded that dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, should be considered a symptom of the coronavirus. Researchers have noted that several studies have shown that salivary glands have the highest levels of ACE2 receptors in the cells – and that the receptors allow the virus to enter someone’s body. Since the decreased or absent salivary flow may be caused by virus-induced infections and inflammation, the researchers concluded that dry mouth could be the result of a COVID infection. And to learn how to better protect yourself against the virus, you can keep it even safer from COVID, experts say.
