If you feel these three subtle things, your heart may be in danger


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), you always want to be aware of your heart health – especially since heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Unfortunately, it is difficult to be aware of all the possible symptoms as there are many types of heart problems. Although there are the big signs such as chest discomfort, pain and pressure, you also want to look at the less obvious signs. According to new research, if you feel these three subtle things, your heart may be in danger. Read on to see what signs to look for and more risk factors: if you see them in your mouth, your risk for a heart attack is high, says study.

An elderly man with heart problems

Russian researchers have tried to investigate the link between life exhaustion and the risk of heart attack in men with no history of cardiovascular disease, and their findings in a study on March 13 at an online scientific conference of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC ). They examined more than 650 men aged 25 to 64 years and found that men who experience a life exhaustion are more likely to have a heart attack. Compared to men without exhaustion, men with moderate or high levels of life exhaustion have a 2.7 times higher risk of having a heart attack within five years, a 2.25 times higher risk of having one within ten years and a 2.1 times higher risk of having a heart attack within 14 years. And for more subtle health issues to note: Consult your doctor if this body part hurts you at night.

Photo of a mature businessman looking stressed in an office

As a study author Dmitriy Panov, PhD, a researcher from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk, Russia, explained in a statement that vital exhaustion is the combination of three symptoms: excessive fatigue, feelings of demoralization and increased irritability.

According to the Mayo Clinic, everyone experiences temporary fatigue, but excessive fatigue is long-lasting and is not relieved by rest, as it is “an almost constant state of fatigue that develops over time and reduces your energy, motivation and concentration.” Demoralization is “a psychological condition characterized by helplessness, hopelessness, a sense of failure and inability to cope”, according to General hospital psychiatry. And Healthline defines irritability as a “feeling of agitation” that can probably easily leave you frustrated or upset. And for more ways to look at heart problems: if you can’t do it within 90 seconds, your heart is in danger, study says.

Cut shot of a loving senior woman sitting and checking her husband's blood pressure in their kitchen

According to the study, there was a strong link between men with life exhaustion and men with high blood pressure. The researchers found that 74 percent of men with high blood pressure also had life exhaustion. For the men, 58 percent experienced high life exhaustion and 16 percent experienced moderate levels of life exhaustion.

High blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms unless it is severe, but these symptoms can include severe headaches, nosebleeds, fatigue, confusion, facial problems, chest pain, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, blood in the urine and throbbing in the chest. include. , neck or ears, according to WebMD. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately, and you should also check your blood pressure regularly. And sign up for our daily newsletter for more information.

Cut shot of a cheerful elderly woman embracing her husband in a wheelchair during the day

According to the researchers, the risk of heart attack associated with life exhaustion was higher in men who were never married, divorced or widowed compared to men who were married. According to Panov, the influence of marital status on life exhaustion and heart attack is likely to have to do with the living conditions due to being unmarried.

“Living alone indicates less social support, which we know from our previous studies is an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke,” he explained. “Efforts to improve well-being and reduce stress at home and at work can help reduce vital exhaustion. Involvement in community groups is one way to increase social support and become less vulnerable to stress. Along with a healthy lifestyle, “And for more information about your risk factors, if you have this blood type, your risk for a heart attack is higher,” says study.
