If you can saber if you found one of the 500 million filtered by Facebook | Univision Technology News

On April 3, it was announced that more than 500 million people’s data with a Facebook account would be spent. To know if the data of a user was injured, exist herramientas online with those that can be tested.

“People with malicious intentions will certainly use the information for social engineering, staffing, piracy and marketing”, aanduiding Alon Gal, director of technology at the Hudson Rock Cybercrime Intelligence Company, who knows how to deal with the incident.

One of the most vulnerable in this filtering is the phone number used to create the account. También is also the exhibition of electronic mail.

The computer pirates can use the data to enter into all the accounts that the user abrió con ese e-mail met una automatika generation de contraseñas. For this reason it is essential to have strong opposites, uniquenesses and adjectives.

How to verify?

If you want to verify if your phone or e-mail has more than 500 million filtered phones, please visit this site Am I pawned? y write down the phone number or electronic number vinculado a la cuenta en el buscador.

To search for a number of, for example, United States has to write 001 or +1 more phone number: 001xxxxxx (the number) or +1 xxxxxx (the number). If the phone is at the base of filtered data, the message will appear “Oh no – pwned!” and more than the filtration is due to the Facebook of April 2021 or others that may include commercial pages or antique social media like MySpace o My heritage.

Bestaan ​​has other pages like dehashed.com, which allows a more refined search and detail. In addition to telephone and electronic mail, you can scan a IP directory, a physical directory, an Internet domain, between others. Sondeverbod, in order to know the details requires an account and, always, pay between $ 5 and $ 179 by subscription.

The various search pages recommend some security steps and the appearance of personal data in the lists of those who have registered. Between them it is possible to prove that robustness is electronic and has a validating factor.

