If the poor countries can not vacate their homes, the rich pay the price, open a new studio

A health worker receives a dose of COVISHIELD, a COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Serum Institute of India, at the Sola Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, India, January 19, 2021. (REUTERS / Amit Dave)
A health worker receives a dose of COVISHIELD, a COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by Serum Institute of India, at the Sola Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, India, January 19, 2021. (REUTERS / Amit Dave)

To monopolize the summit of vacancies against the COVID-19, the rich nations end up with more than the probability of a humanitarian catastrophe: the resulting economic devastation will hit the hard-hit countries as they are.

This is the crucial conclusion of an academic study published on Monday. In the most extreme case, with the rich nations being completely evacuated for this year’s mediates and the poor countries excluded in its majority, the study concludes that the global supremacy economy will lose 9 billion dollars to a mayoral sum Japan and Germany combined.

This cost is absorbed by the countries adjoining the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

In the case that investigators consider more probable, that the countries in the wake of development are vacant in the middle of their population for fines of one year, the global economy will absorb an impact of between 1.8 and 3.8 billion dollars. More of the focus of the affections is concentrated on the lands with the most resources.

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC, by its English seal) is conducting an investigation that concludes that the equitable distribution of vacancies is of economic interest to each country, especially those that depend more on commerce. Equivale to dismantle the popular spirit of sharing vacancies with poor countries is simply a form of charity.

“Clearly, all economies are connected,” said Selva Demiralp, an economist at the University of Koz in Istanbul who works for the Federal Reserve in Washington and one of the study’s authorities. “No economy will recover completely while the other economies recover”.

Demiralp points out that a global philanthropic initiative known as the Accelerator of Access to Censorship against COVID-19, which as an object burns pandemic resources in disaster-stricken areas, has secured compromises of less than 11,000 million dollars 38.8 million. The study explains the economic rationality that the breach takes. The remaining 27,000 million can, in the first instance, appear to be a huge sum, but it is a misery compared to the cost of allowing the pandemic to continue.

Corporate executives and experts have promoted the common denominator that the pandemic does not have frontal racial and class differences. This conformist concept has been undermined by the fact that the COVID-19 has increased the capacity for death and destruction of assistance to service workers whose resources are being used, especially in minor minors, while white-collar workers great medium, work in a safe way from home and some of the richest people in the world can pass the pandemic in yates and private islands.

However, in international trade, it is not possible to detect coronavirus, as the study company. Global cadastral records that are vital for the industry are continuing to be affected as long as the virus continues as a factor.

The loss of labor costs of migrant workers in poor countries has reduced the amount of money he sent to home.  (REUTERS / Marco Bello / archive)
The loss of labor costs of migrant workers in poor countries has reduced the amount of money he sent to home. (REUTERS / Marco Bello / archive)

A team of economists affiliated with the universities of Koç, Harvard and Maryland examined trade data from 35 industries in 65 countries, which produced an extensive exploration of the economic impacts of a distribution of desigual vacancies.

If people in countries through continuous development are deployed by the taxpayers to prevent the spread of the virus, there will be less money to spend, which will reduce sales for exporters in North America, Europe and the East of Asia. The multinational companies in advanced nations also encounter difficulties in guaranteeing necessary parts, components and materials.

The hallazgos add a capability of complexity to the basic premise that the pandemic has that the world has more desalination than ever. Although it appears green, a surprising form of inequality, access to the vacancies, it can represent universal problems.

As an extraordinary model of the innovative capabilities of the world’s best scientists, the pharmaceutical companies produce in a small fraction of the time that is thought to be possible vacancies that will save lives. Without embargo, the richest countries in North America and Europe insure orders that are equivalent to the mayor’s part of the summit, suffice to vacate two and a half times his population, which means the poorest people in the lucha to secure his share.

Many countries in development, from Bangladesh passing through Tanzania and up to Peru, will probably tend to hope up to 2024 before they can evacuate to their full population.

The initiative to sum up poor countries with additional resources has given an impetus to the President of the United States, Joe Biden, take over the cargo. Donald Trump’s governor did not contribute to the cause. Biden’s medical officer assessor Biden for the pandemic, Anthony Fauci, quickly announced that the United States is joining the campaign to share vacancies.

Many countries can start the pandemic with cargo of debt that absorbs most of the goblins of their goblins, which limits the guest’s medical attention. Private landlords have reshuffled to participate in a modest debt suspension program under the G20. The World Bank, BM, and the International Monetary Fund, FMI, are promising a large aid, but they will be able to borrow significant dollars.

This too seems to be changing and means that a new leadership is taking control of Washington. Trump’s governing body is seeking a $ 500 million expansion of the IMF’s special debt rights schemes, a reserve asset that governments can exchange for months. Biden’s ascension has increased the gap between the members of the fund from which this administration supports the expansion. The Democrats in Congress, now in control of both chambers, have given indications of response to a media report to the Treasury Department to act.

Sondeverbod, hoofstad como Washington y Bruselas, la discusjon sobre el apoyo al mundo en vias de desarrolllo se enmarca en morse terminals. The leaders and debates on how much can be presented to help the lesser-needed communities on the planet mean the main benefits to their own people.

The study challenges this strategy. Al fallar in asegurarse de que las personas worldwide am vias de desarrollo obtengan acceso a las vacunas, concluye, los lideres en las nations ricas afectan su propia prosperidad.

“No economy, without importing much of the sea, will be immune to the effects of the virus until the pandemic ends in all of them,” said John Denton, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce. “Buying vacancies for the world through visa deportation is not an act of generosity in the richest nations of the world. It is an essential inversion that governments need to make if they revive their national economies ”.

Copyright: c.2021 The New York Times Company


What countries are causing the pandemic?

Wealthy countries are securing vacancies against COVID-19 to reduce their population by 3 times
