If the ‘hour is near’ for the hypothetical who exaggerates Pablo Escobar’s eccentricity


Pablo Escobar, the foundation of the Medellín cartel in the 1980s, also recorded his violent reactions to the forces of the order in Colombia, which included sequestrants, assassination attempts and indiscriminate assassinations, and were responsible for what the scientists did. llaman una ecological time bomb.

Import capo to its private zoology has decades three macho hippos and a hammer, whose death was lost in the middle of the Magdalena River. It is estimated that the descent is between 70 and 80 hippos.

According to the scientists, there are now extensions of one of the most important countries of the country: the Magdalena River, where it has been transformed into a large affection for the terrestrial and aquatic systems of Magdalena Medio.

Scientists believe that their presence can affect the local ecosystem in various ways: from the displacement of native species that are in extinction, as the manatee, has the chemical composition of the liquid vials, which can be fished in fish.

In agreement with the Humboldt Scientific Research Institute, in a study conducted by the University of Javeriana in 2019, In fact, these animals occupy a region of 1,915 km2, but within a few minutes the outer layer extends to 13,587 km2 along the coast of Magdalena, north of the country.

The reason why the species’ expansion has taken place is due to the fact that Magdalena Medio appears in the natural habitat of the great African rivers. For 30 years he has registered his presence in Boyacá, Antioquia and Cundinamarca, where four autonomous corporations have not been able to control the exponential crime.

01/01/1970 Hypopotamia alert in the antiquity of Pablo Escobar POLITICA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSIDAD CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO
01/01/1970 Hypopotamia alert in the antiquity of Pablo Escobar POLITICA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSIDAD CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO

Because the solution he planted is sacrificing the specimens, the biologist Nataly Castelblanco, the tax rate of these animals is 14.5% in the country and there are strong claims in the zone.

Without embargo, an ambientist collective, led by lawyer Luis Domingo Maldonado, called for a special audience on the Pact of Compliance, with the aim of solve the issue of overpopulation, without resorting to an extermination of the same animals.

For that, on March 16th, members of a collective will meet, representatives of the Ministry of the Environment and officials of other public entities, to solve the problem of the sobriety of “the hypocrites of Pablo”, ante el Tribunal Administrativ.

Para el abogado Luis Domingo Maldonado, author of the popular population that studies the Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca, la castration of the hippopotamus is the most viable alternative, combined with the confinement, preferably in drugs used in narcotics in order not to affect the biodiversity of the country.

The lawyer considers that “To be his senses, not to be massacred, einfachige and llanamente because it is necessary to resolve a conflict, which is affecting an ecosystem and which can affect a community ”.

While doing so, those who defend the victimization of the hippopotamus Recognize that even though the solution can create resistance, it is the most viable. For example, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, concludes that it is time for this to take an effective decision before the day is irreversible.

We are fully aware that the hypotheticals are very charismatic and fascinating animals, and that the remedy can counteract the opposition of various interests and the public. Sondeverbod, we want to understand that the impacts on the ecosystems and the media and the risk to human beings will increase”, Concluyeron.


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