Yahoo en Español Originals
The two battles that are being fought that rob the attention of all Mexico
This weekend of battalion battalions calls attention to social speeches, a curiosity in the calls of the Historic Center of the City of Mexico, while the other in a golf course in Querétaro. The game in the golf course caused the burla of the internet, then in the captured images from various media outlets in the Zibatá camp, there can be as many different topics discussed, depending on the results of the game, and when starting to play the constant son golpes failed. The subjects involved are pegan al aire, gritan and have been tropical, for which a comic scene appears. Including who grabs what he sees. In a second video, we see men jaloneandose in the yard of the camp and one of them expresses, “¡Ya, ya, ya, yo no estoy peleando, estoy separando, ya!”. In sarcastic commentary social speeches such as, “Ojalá la vida me golpeara como pelea en golfo camp, para no andar batallando”, “Espeluznante pelea de golf, se recomienda discrecion”. The other pelea, ocurrió in the center of the capital of the country. The incident was captured by a person who finds himself surrounded by players without a player who is violently beaten. Various golf club, a Ciudadana Secretariat policy is in place to catch up. At the moment the two gladiators are separated, without embarrassment another man is on the other side with one of the fighters and the platoon is being reopened, with more people involved. The testigans intend to calm the anemones with strong forces, without embarrassment the rain between the men without continuous journey. When one of them touches the other floor it will be separated by a terminal golpeandose between todos. At the end of the grab, it can be seen that the triplet can calm down thanks to the intervention of some women who accompany them, those who do not intervene in the aggression, finally separate.