IDP senator: administration officials who show ‘they do not care if they have to work with us’

Sen. Bill CassidyBill CassidyGOP senator compares Trump indictment procedures to Soviet ‘show’ GOP senator: administration officials show they don’t care if they have to work with us. Sunday shows preview: Budget resolution clears the way for. Senate prepares for indictment (R-La.) Said Sunday that Biden government officials show they do not want to cooperate with Republicans on a bill on the economic stimulation of the coronavirus.

“I’m absolutely willing to work with anyone if it’s good for the American people, because that’s what we should all be talking about. We have conservative solutions. The more conservative values ​​public policy is, I think, the better public policy. “On the other hand, the administration shows very clearly that they do not care if they have to work with us,” Cassidy said on NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday.

“They are willing to push things through, even if someone like Larry Summers, a former secretary of the Democratic Treasury, says it’s a bonehead policy. I’m paraphrasing ‘, he added, referring to President Biden’s $ 1.9 billion aid package. ‘And even if we get into good faith with at least ten and more who would join us, and they say they do not care. So, you got it – it takes two to tango. At the moment I’m not sure we have the two to tango. ‘

The White House is in the midst of ongoing negotiations with Republican Republicans over the scope and scope of the relief package. At a recent meeting, Biden told a group of ten GOP senators that a $ 618 billion package is too small and that it does not go far enough to help Americans affected by the pandemic.

There is broad bipartisan support for the next round of coronavirus stimulus studies to focus more on individuals who need the funds most, The Hill reported last week.

Senate Democrats on Friday approved a budget resolution enabling them to proceed with a relief package without IDP support.

‘Let’s first say that we have all made it clear that we are prepared to negotiate. This was not our end point. “That was where we felt it was an amount that the American people needed,” Cassidy said Sunday.

“And why could President Biden believe it? He could believe it, because when there was a Republican president and Republicans controlled the Senate, we passed five different COVID emergency relief packages on a two-party basis with overwhelming margins. We showed that we would negotiate and come. He must do the same, because maybe that is the right policy, ‘he added.
