IDP Congressman voted to remove Representative Greene from committees – but wanted these Dems removed as well

A Republican from the House who voted Thursday to deprive Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., Of her committee assignments, noted that he had earlier called for similar action against Democrats who made controversial remarks.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., Was one of ten Republicans who voted in favor of the action against Greene. In a Twitter thread explaining his decision, Diaz-Balart noted that Greene’s comments had been ‘unacceptable’ in the past, but it was also said: ‘Members I have said throughout should also be removed from the committee for their irresponsible, inflammatory speech. ‘

The Florida legislature cited an incident in February 2019 in which Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar, who is accused of anti-Semitism, was quoted after making critical remarks about Israel, claiming that the US Israeli Committee on Public Affairs, or AIPAC, politicians paid to adopt a favorable attitude. to the country. House President Nancy Pelosi criticized Omar, who later apologized for the remarks.

‘When Ilhan Omar constantly made anti-Semitic remarks about Israel, Nancy Pelosi swept it under the rug and suggested that they’ move forward. “Why was she not removed from her role on a committee that helps determine U.S. policy toward Israel?” Diaz-Balart wrote on Twitter.

The Republicans of the House made an unsuccessful attempt earlier this week to remove Omar from her commission assignments when the Democrats acted against Green.

Diaz-Balart also cited an incident in 2018 in which the Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters has called on supporters to confront former President Donald Trump’s cabinet, as well as remarks by former Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney, who in 2002 implied that members of former president The administration of George W. Bush may have had prior knowledge of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

“If MTG is removed from her committee positions due to her inappropriate comments, these members would have to receive the same treatment. I will continue to demand that the Democratic leadership and the press stop the double standard and hold these members equally accountable,” Diaz-Balart said. .


The House voted 230-199 to remove Greene from her committee assignments. The first time lawmakers have widely criticized her support in the past for QAnon conspiracy theory and social media activity in which she voiced support for violence against Democratic leaders.
