Identify those who will join the EU Capitol; between them and the woman who murmured

WASHINGTON, ESTADOS UNIDOS.- His rostrums have been circulating worldwide since the invasion of the Capitol on Wednesday, photographed with the pieces on the screen of a congresswoman, parade with a confederate banner sent in the Senate’s office.

Who are these party members of Donald Trump, are you embroiled in the presidential rhetoric that could make the chaos in the United States Congress worse?

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Many have been identified, including the female death result. In continuation, the principal elements are collected on some of them, the majority active in the social networks.

Richard Barnett, the secretary

Originator of Arkansas (sur), this sex genius with a strong accent sure to break in the office of the President of the Chamber of Representatives, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

Es “mi oficina”, dijo el miercoles al canal local KFSM 5News. “I’m a contributor. I’m a patriot. I’m his official. If he’s done.”

Held locally by running a Facebook group in favor of the arms, 2A NWA STAND, Richard Barnett affirms that he is hello and is committed to casualness. “Me empujaron aquí”, dijo, cuando “buscaba el baño”.

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Apodado “Bigo”, the male day before giving an insulting note directed to Pelosi.

Despite the capitulations to the Capitol, Barnett said he was likely to be arrested. “Are you assisted? ¡Nee! Pero la carcel es una posibilidad”, dijo a los periodistes despu de salir del edification.

Jake Angeli, the bison horns

With the twisted torso and an American coffin with bison horns, this “spiritual warfare” -as described as being- drawn as an image of photographers and cameras of the four corners of the Capitol.

Originario de Arizona, Jake Angeli had no opinion on protests for Trump and Phoenix of the last months, always looking at his now famous tocado.

This training will be presented as “a digital army of QAnon”, the conspiratorial movement that Trump has a hero and considers the intrusion of mercenaries a triumph.

“We are patriots, in the Arizona front, that we want to deliver our positive energy to (Washington)”, wrote in a post published in December in the favorite social network of ultraconservators, Parler.

Matthew Heimbach, the neo-Nazi militant

Photographed alongside Jake Angeli, he is 29 years old, his red carpet and anteojos sin montura are rated by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an observatory of extremist groups, like “the rostrum of a new generation of white nationalists”.

It was considered one of the organizers of the extreme right in Charlottesville (Virginia), in August 2017, at the edge of which a woman was assigned by a sympathetic neo-Nazi.

Adam Johnson, the podium

Surprised by the chamber when the podium of the President’s Chamber of Deputies, Nancy Pelosi, is being trained as a Trump chair, a gesture of love to the photographer will all be heard.

Fue quickly identified as Adam Johnson, a resident of Parrish, Florida, local located.

VEA: The recent memes that mark the invasion of the Capitol of the United States

At the moment I have a medicine, which is what the consequences are. Now there are numerous sites that have been referenced in the history of sarcastic messages about marital vandalism.

Ashli ​​Babbitt, the woman who mourned

It was the first known condom of mercenaries. Mientras intentionaba atravesar un ventana rota en un pasillo del Congreso, la mujer recibió, a quemarropa, una bala disparad un un Capitolio polis. Más tarde sucumbió a sus heridas.

Looking for three years, Californian, conspiratorial and “libertarian”, according to his Twitter account, Babbitt creates that the march in favor of Donald Trump in Washington is a series of “torment” that sacrificed “peace”.

Ashli ​​Babbitt (800x600)
