Identical twins do not always have identical DNA, study programs

According to a new study, identical twins do not always have identical DNA. Identical twins differ by an average of 5.2 genetic changes, according to a new January 7 report in Nature Genetics, as reported by Science News. This study contradicts the belief that identical twins are identical in genetics, which was often the basis for the idea that differences in health between twins are due to their environment. This new study shows that genetics may have more to do with it than previously believed.

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“Imagine you have identical twins being raised by each other,” DeCode Genetics CEO and co-author and co-author of the study, Kari Stefansson, told CNN. “If one of them has developed autism, the classical interpretation is that it is due to environmental factors. But our work shows that before you conclude that it is caused by the environment, you must sequence the genome of the twins in order to know what can be accounted for.the autism. “Stefansson said that this ‘mutation disorder’ could be the cause of ‘devastating childhood diseases’ such as epilepsy and metabolic disorders. She also said a large percentage of” such horrific syndromes of many early childhoods are due to genome mutations. “

Identical twins, also known as monozygotic twins because they are derived from a single fertilized egg, as indicated by Science News, are often studied to determine the origin of specific traits, diseases or conditions, whether due to genetics. or the result of their environment. This study looked specifically at 381 pairs of identical twins and found that 38 of the pairs have identical genetics, but that most pairs have some differences in DNA that originated very early in their development.Thirty-nine of the pairs had more than 100 changes between the twins and the study suggests that these DNA differences occur when the embryo is divided to form two in early development or shortly after the embryo is divided. This suggests that this embryo cleavage is not as clean or neat as previously thought, leading to the DNA changes seen.

Science News notes that some twins are formed when a single cell or a small group of cells separates from the embryo, and it is the number of cells that make up a twin that can determine the genetic differences between him and his other twins. . The more uneven tears of the embryo occur, the greater the number of genetic differences between twins.

“This is an extraordinary, exciting and informative effort to point to early cellular mechanisms that explain genetic differences between MZ (monozygotic) twins,” California State University, Fullerton, professor of psychology, Nancy Segal, told CNN. “It is well known that MZ twins do not have perfect similarity and that some differences may reflect genetic differences. The current study provides new information on the source of the MZ twin differences.”Segal said the study shows that “some twin models underestimate genetic effects and require revision.”

For more twins, check out our list of the best movie twins ever, and if you want more DNA science, read this story on how a new study reveals that most Vikings were not blonde or blue-eyed.

Wesley LeBlanc is a freelance news writer and guide for IGN. You can follow him Twitter @LeBlancWes.
