Idees para mejorar el bienestar medioambiental en tu barrio

The impact of the entourage, especially on the cities, their contamination and their remains, regarding the health of the people is a real problem in our society and a priority to take care of the news. The creation of Sustainable Communities is one of the market goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the United Nations.

The proposal of these directors is to create a balance between sustainable urban entities and the health and well-being of the people who inhabit them. Therefore, it is time to ask ourselves what we can do to improve this ecosystem that we are rooting in, which is what we are talking about.

The cities represent 80% of energy consumption

Although cities occupy only 3% of the planet, representing 60% and 80% of energy consumption and, at least 70% of carbon emissions. Además, hay que recorder que más de la mitad de la poblancón convive en ciudades, lo que lo conviert en een troublem aún burgemeester.

For this reason, each of its entities and companies has impulsive projects in the majority of green spaces, which have demonstrated that they have a decisive impact on the quality of life and the health of individuals.

No one is reducing carbon levels and protecting the medium environment. También se mejora el bienestar de los ciudadanos. Various investigations have been demonstrated that living in green zones reduces the risk of obesity and overweight, favors infantile cognitive development, reduces menopausal appearance, reduces the likelihood of developing depression and avoids premature death.

What can I do for you?

To log in one more sound and sustainable entourage we will collaborate on all

The campaigns carried out in the last few years have led to many companies and entities promoting promoted actions to reduce or compensate for positive actions in the mid-term impact, but the best mid-term of our sector is all that is involved and that acc.

“Every contribution to the health of the planet is also a contribution to personal health,” said Yolanda Erburu, director of the Sanitas Foundation, one of the entities that promotes initiatives to compensate for the carbon footprint generated by this company.

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Mey Zamora

ciudad estrés

And for women it is preguntan that can be done for them to live in a more salutary and sustainable entity without marching from the city, without moving from living, to some ideas that can be impulsive from the community of vecinos, the baroque associations, presative of its support, including the individual title and which allowably increase the median ambient quality of the zone where one lives.

solar plaque


Install renewable energy

Each has its own community of owners, groups of vehicles or urbanization that are alien to incorporate photovoltaic panels in the edifices. With this technology, we can use energy completely, avoiding the emission of CO and, moreover, reducing the cost of light to generate energy for self-consumption.

The interior patio of the edification


Use solar lamps

This type of light is charged during the day of solar flare and can have up to six hours of night lighting. They are perfect for installing on patios, communal areas or in private gardens. To use a natural remedy, reduce electricity consumption to a minimum and have other benefits, such as a minor aluminum contamination.

Lechuga plant in an urban neighborhood


Create an urban huerto

It’s a practice that is most present in the hogares. You can create an individual little house on the balcony or balcony, but it is also a good idea for us to use common spaces such as an azotea, a zone that is not approved by the community or the urbanization … This initiative, in addition to helping to create one burgemeester medioambient conscience, focus on car consumption and the health of the world.

Urban garden on the sidewalk of Sant Martí in Barcelona


Increase green zones

Although we care about the huertos, we can also add plantations of native species to replenish those vacant spaces of our community of vecinos that do not have any use for part of our terrace or patio. Urban gardens and forests help in the regeneration of the air, as well as regularize the temperature and humidity of the urban areas, and all have significant majorities in the health of the people.

How do we advertise if we have an electric patina?


Buskar alternatively al coche

On occasions, private transport is abused for convenience or costume. If it is possible, it is always recommended to move to a pie, since in addition limiting the contamination is a salutary habit that promises a lively asset. And if there are any depositions using, in fact, we have different transportation alternatives that help reduce polluting emissions. For replacement shutters, we can install carts, bicycles or electric sheets.

Compare coach allows you to meet new people


Compare coach

Although the actual pandemic differs from this practice, sharing a car with other animals that takes place similar to the time of work in order to take the children to college is a great option. Thank you to this system for reducing vehicles in motion, which directly refers to a minor pollution and a minor fuel consumption.

The human remains are often treated to be converted into usable organic matter as compost for agricultural use and gardening


Make organic composites

Each of these supports the recycling of organic residues because they can create composting with which to subscribe to the green areas of the municipality. Although these initiatives are not implemented in all Spanish localities, any community of individuals or particular can implement the same process and create its own composite of organic residues such as comedies, frames or, including paper towels. It is a natural and highly effective subscription that can be used to take care of the greenhouse plants, the common areas of the urbanization …

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