iCloud passwords Chrome extension for Windows coming

Over the years, Apple has made a handful of applications available for Microsoft platforms to serve mostly iPhone owners with Windows. One of the most important applications today is an iCloud sync client, and Apple will soon be releasing a Chrome extension for iCloud Passwords.

iCloud for Windows was updated yesterday (via MacRumors) to version 12.0, and the release notes call ‘support for the Chrome extension of iCloud Passwords’. In the main list of available services there is a new “password” item. If you tap on “Apply” to go to the bottom, an indication is confirmed confirming the existence of this new tool and its functionality:

Chrome iCloud Password Extension Required

Download the extension to automatically populate website passwords with your iCloud Keychain.

The Download open button opens a Chrome Web Store list that is not yet available. With this extension, access to the usernames and credentials stored on your iPhone and iPad is accessible on Windows desktops.


Apple’s only other Chrome extension is for iCloud Bookmarks. It was last updated in 2017 for Windows 7 and 8. From 2007 to 2012, the company offered Safari. If the Windows version was still available, Apple would probably not release this Chrome extension. A launch is likely to be sooner rather than later, given the iCloud update.

Meanwhile, Apple is also offering iTunes for PCs and Apple TV + for the Xbox. Our colleagues at 9to5Mac this year reports that music and podcasts apps may also be coming to the Microsoft Store.

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