ICE will apply new directives that will prevent deportations and decrease detentions

The Immigration and Control Service of Aduanas (ICE, by its seal in English) is preparing to issue this week new directives which can drastically reduce the detentions and deportations of immigrants, in accordance with internal memoranda and electronic letters obtained by the Washington Post diary.

The provisional orders are sent to all the officials of the ICE established that the agents are not deportees and immigrants with minor offenses and is centered in cases that threaten national security, in those who hayan recently crucified the front, and in persons who are complying with serious delitos.

These new standards are in the hope of being approved by the Secretary of the Department of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.

The president, Joe Biden, assumes the presidency overcoming migratory policies of President Donald Trump’s administration. Ahora search to reorient the ICE, but officials consulted by the Diary Citizen opined that these changes would increase the discretion of the agents and limit their ability to deport victims.

“Han suprimido ICE sin abolirlo”, said an official at The Washington Post on condition of anonymity, “the cambio is extreme, we have failed to fully apply our immigration laws and do not apply anything”. According to a communications investigator, agents who wanted to detain fugitives were required to approve the agency director’s approval in Washington justifying his decision.

[Biden propondrá un camino a la ciudadanía para los indocumentados y acabar con la prohibición del asilo. ¿Qué tan rápido puede lograrse?]

“The commission of a serious offense is the most conclusive test of a public safety clearance agreement”, said ICE spokesman Jenny Burke, in a statement, “ICE maintains its unlimited discretion to evaluate any conduct to define a breach “.

The ICE officials who be the one of the new norms which implements Biden in the next days. It is important to note that important changes are being made, except for the restrictions that are open to public scrutiny of e-mails and e-mails.

John Sandweg, Director of ICE during the Administration of the President Barack Obama, said that the new lines will be a good step to improve the image of the agency and the quality of its work: “Nadie judged the FBI by the number of detentions that realized. The juzgan for the quality of the detentions “.

For Sandweg, include the ICE yields including detention and deportation numbers, such as Trump, “is not a recipe for a good application of the ley”.

The Department of National Security (DHS, by its English seal) issues a directive on the 20th of January in order to allow deportations to be made every 100 days, by a federal judge before the decision.

[Cada vez más migrantes y niños no acompañados cruzan la frontera: algunos son liberados, otros deportados]

Immigrants must be considered for public safety if they have a history of violent behavior, affiliations with criminal gangs, or condemnation of serious crimes, said Johnson. In addition, it is stated that in this case the offense with aggravating circumstance has been for more than 10 years and is not the reason for a recent detention, this person is not considered an amenity for public safety.

Critics of the Biden Gobierno assure that the 20th anniversary memorandum will allow miles of people with permanent criminal convictions in the United States.

Members of Biden’s team will ensure that the provisional directors clarify that any person found in the United States of Illegal Form can be deported if an ICE official justifies his eviction.

[Qué significa para los migrantes que Estados Unidos haya suspendido acuerdos sobre asilo con países de Centroamérica]

Deportations of veterans and families

Among the migratory policies that Biden seeks to overturn the previous Administration is to include the revision of the deportations of veterans and family members of the Furtas Armadas killed in the last four years.

“The federal governor, together with the Department of National Security, will review further the evictions of veterans and their families,” said the secretary general of Casa Blanca, Deputy Chief of Staff, Vedant Patel, to the McClatchy notices group.

“The application of the law on migratory matters is centered on those who are responsible for national security and public security, not for military families, members of the service or veterans,” Patel said.

Tell us about the information of the Oficina de Rendición de Cuentas del Gobierno of 2019, al menos 250 veterans established and process of expelling pais.

[Estados Unidos sí puede revisar los antecedentes de los indocumentados en la frontera]

The active members usually do not run the risk of being deported due to the migratory status that they have to serve. These people no tienen que ser ciudadanos estadounidenses para unirse al Ejército. Pueden ser residences, nacidos en el extranjero con conocimientes conocimientes specimizados en idiomas o medicina or alistados ne immigrantes speces special que sean resident de los Estados Federados de Micronesia, la República de las Islas Marshall y Palau.

“We know that at the moment we have between 8,000 and 10,000 members of the service, or are married in particular, in the process of obtaining migrant status,” said Florida Democratic congressman Darren Soto, citing the group’s defense or defense group. immigration American families United.

Scientists deported veterans in Mexico pidieron a Biden got a map which allows them to regress to their country. Además, clamaron porque se detengas las expulsions.

“We believe that there is not a perfect moment in the history of our nation to carry these heroes to our house. Biden is a father of a military and knows that he is separated from being wanted in the extraterrestrial”, said the company document a number of miles of veterans who found the Insider informative web.

[México nunca pagó el muro fronterizo. Pero ¿y el resto de promesas de Trump?]

Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth and California City Representative Mark Takano express their support for the cards included in the card.

The President, Joe Biden, firm on his first day in the cargo 17 executive orders, between them, the paralysis of the construction of the front wall wall with Mexico.

It also issues an executive order for want to include the undocumented immigrants in the Censo, a estranged Trump excluyó el año pasado.

[¿Cómo enfrentará Biden el aumento de menores inmigrantes no acompañados en la frontera?]

In addition, the Congress has proposed a plan to guarantee a regularization truck for 11 million undocumented people has been able to obtain the assistance in this year if conditions are determined.

Learn more about The Washington Post, Insider and McClatchy.
