ICE revises deportation cases to adjust to the priorities set by Biden | Univision Immigration News

The Office of Immigration and Aduanas (ICE) is the one that will review the deportation cases to adjust to the new priorities specified by Joe Biden’s governor.

The Eviction and Deportation Operations (ERO) of the Office of Immigration and Advancement (ICE) announce the Expeditionary Review Process (ICR) for persons who, in their case, are not subject to the priorities of eviction, detention and deportation. ”, Dijo la agencia en un comunicado.

The announcement adds that the new process will unfold with “the efforts to promote the development of an orderly immigration system that treats human beings at a time that guarantees national security, frontier security and security.

During the Trump administration (January 2017 to January 2021) ICE directs the operations below a list of deportation priorities that there are extraterrestrials who have committed serious crimes due to the undocumented presence in the country, that Obama has constituted a flaw in civil and non-criminal character.

Cómo lo harán

The agency says that the new ICR process offers a new channel through which it is not a citizen (term that the governor uses to refer to the foreigners who do not have a legal presence in the country or documented) and their representatives (solicitors) that ICE owns its procedural discretion in the name of a particular citizen and also in order to resolve inquiries and inquiries into compliance with the law, politics and the interests of justice ”.

“ICE is dedicated to providing multiple lines of communication for the uninitiated or its representatives to discuss individual cases,” said Tae D. Johnson, the agency’s intern director. The case review process proposes a view that the citizens and their representatives solicit an additional review of the cases and individual circumcisions in the case of the ICE priorities for ejaculation, detention and deportation, transparency in the immigration process “, he points out.

The agency also states that “persons requesting a revision of a detention case should communicate with their ERO local office for an initial consideration. Pre-application, the cases will be reviewed more thoroughly by a superior audit officer who, when corresponding, will communicate the final resolution to the applicant ”.

“I will prioritize the cases of detainees in the ICE custody or in the event of an imminent deportation,” he said.

Why not all

The advertisement was received with caution by activists defending the rights of immigrants as advocates as representatives.

“It’s a good principle, but we should not revise all these cases, only those that affect the affected and their defendants”, said Matt Adams, Matt Adams, Legal Director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (Northeastern Immigrant Rights Project – NWIRP-) granted and Seattle (Washington).

“I am preoccupied that these cases will not be revised because immigrants have access to opportunities to hire a lawyer to represent them,” he said.

Adams says that “they (the governor) have to declare that they are in favor of reviewing the cases, but all the clerks and only those who are trusted by a lawyer”.

For Jaime Barrón, a lawyer who owns Dallas (Texas), the announcement “I have a good deal to do with ICE withdrawing from the list of deportable water dispatchers due to the lack of cometida is not a priority”.

“There is a margin for the immigrant to be able to continue in a temporary manner in the middle of a different deportation. But it is very important that the citizen does not get in touch with ICE, because he has a lawyer and does not have a deportation order, he wants to agrarian and expel the country ”.

Deportation priorities

The media also prohibits the denominations of sanitary jurisdictions and new establishments and other priorities of deportation, including the 11 million documentaries that live in the world in the Mira of the Office of Immigration and Aduanas (ICE).

Trump, for his part, on January 25, 2017, five days after leaving the White House, decreed the following priorities in the
mark of its migratory policy of ‘zero tolerance’.

