Ibrahimovic from the Milan triumph and the table of positions is ranked in Serie A – Diez

Triune rossonero! El Milan revenge is Monday to Cagliari in condition of visiting gracias to double of Zlatan Ibrahimovic (0-2) to close the number 18 of Serie A.

Ibrahimovic reveals that he is his patrimony and has an island

The Swedish, which in October was 40 years old, held titles and opened the marker every 7 minutes to cover a penalty. The second part of the night was in the complementary part of a Calabrian center in space and the attacking cross with the red on the wall. The player is required to revise the VAR with a delinquent play guide, until the final validation.

With this result, the team of Lombards is despatched by Inter and now is the tournament leader solitaire with 43 points. Los nerazzurros ganaron su compromiso contra la Juventus y habían alcanzado al eterno rival, pero ahora nuewamente se quedan en la segunda plaza con 40 unidades.

The third position is where the Naples with 34 points, the same as the one Rome. La Loba cayó el pasado viernes con goleada ante el Lazio (3-0) and it is not possible to approve the opportunity to surpass the Celestes.

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Mientras tanto el vigente campeón del torneo, Juventus, following generating dudas and being maintained in the quarter with 33 units, following Atalanta that account with 32 y Lazio with 31.

The team that leads Andrea Pirlo there are ten points of the leader and his next party will be against the Bolonia at home. The bianconeros are more than obligated to claim the victory if they want to be candidates for the title this year.

In the octave position finds the Sassuolo with 30, Greece Verona is new with 27 y la Sampdoria es décimo con 23.

Clubs like the Parma, Crotone y Turin are on the other side of the table.

Positions of the Italian league
