Ian Padrón recalls that his father Juan Padrón also sued Cuban governor of Cuba on a map of the results of the MINCULT

3 | 20/01/2021 – 06:29 (GMT-4)

El Cuban filmmaker Ian Padrón, recorded in an open map of the successes in the Ministry of Culture (MINCULT), that his father was one of the creators who sufria the censorship of the Cuban government.

Ian initiates his narration explaining that of 2003 the ICAIC censored his documentary Fuera de Liga, about the Cuban baseball. It took months before the dialogue with the institution to receive the silence as a response and its “debate opportunity”, led to continuous incidents of intolerance by officials that culminated in verbal and physical aggression in the ICAIC lobby.

“In the middle of this” torment “, my father Juan Padrón I’m sorry I did not want to paralyze ante estos klaagliedere hechos. Fue entonces que por prime vez conversamos sobo algo que para mí fue muy revelador: Él también fue censurado y subvalorado en algun moment, al igual que otros grande que admiraba como Pablo Milanés, Silvio Rodríguez, Pastor Vega o Pedro Luis Ferrer“, the filmmaker posted on his Facebook profile.

Ian assured that his father concluded that emotional conversation. “The only real victory that you have had in the future was to create. Confia in the Cuban public and in time; son of those who always tend to the ultimate palabra, ”said Juan Padrón.

In his message, Ian also reverts to some figures, and institutions within the cultural ambience in Cuba that are currently positioned in favor of their ‘incomprehensible’ catalog.

“Have a look at people, like Haydeé Santamaría promoting spaces from La Casa de Las Américas ‘n guns de esos “incomprehensible”. For example, other institutions are set up to give space to artists who are addicted to “inadaptados” or “what they do to play”. For there are already the Vampires in La Habana, El Unicornio azul, Ojalá, Yolanda, Elpidio Valdés, El breve espacio en que no estás, Retrato de Teresa, 100% cubano and La vaquita Pijirigua among many similar examples. “Impressive references in national culture, fruit of our different artists labeled as ‘conflicting'”, Ian expresses.

Sondeverbod, the reaction of Casa de Las Américas, ante los hechos del 27 deero, was not in favor of the dialogue, not in support of the protesting young people, as can be leerse of a message defiled by the portal La ventana donde defined the accident as “part of a scenario of provocation and destabilization mounted to confuse”.

Silvio Rodríguez, for its part, prefirio hacer la vista gorda, indicating that there is no power to watch the videos that show the violence of the officials of the State against the pacifist protesters.

The Cuban singer, Pedro Luis Ferrer, in exchange, publicly expressed his deep regret to the use of force by MINCULT workers. Significantly, the manotazos (in clear reference to the action of Alpidio Alonso) refrain from discussing what they think is convenient and very sad about the “spiritual destination” of the Cuban people.

One of the preoccupations that Ian Padrón has with respect to them hechos acontecidos el 27 de enero frente a la sede del MINCULT is that the official media tildan of “mercenaries” to the protesting youths.

“Llamarle mercenary is a very serious accusation that can carry moral consequences for him, his family and his friends. It is in his own right”, assured Padrón.

The violent activity of the officials of Culture, with the minister Alpidio Alonso al frente, the Cuban filmmaker interprets as a torpedo declaration by MINCULT that he does not want any more demonstrations in front of his seat.

In this sense it is considered that there is something “congruent with the Cuba of today”. It is embarrassing, I think, that at this point in arresting and intending to label “employees of the empire” all the while there is a generalization that can be called “ugly”.

Ian is questioning what happens to all the people who can be ignorant of accusations; and if there are real possibilities of dialogue in Cuba, there are preconceived notions of accusation without reply.

It is worthwhile to approve your map to create a reflection for you, both for Cuban artists and for the institutions of the State.

“Pido to the Cuban artists who favor the deepest in all that has passed and the cultural institutions that” do not boot the sofa “. Traten de conocer a estas person that alli estuvieron, no le den la espalda. El resto del mundo est lleno “Cuban” girls “who will not find space in Cuban society and will find that look for other horizons.” The Grand Mayor will also be honest and fond of our motherland until the end of our days “, indicated the filmmaker.

‘Si de un lado are organized by the police presence and by the other, the institution is arranged by the filming telephones; it is an inequality signal that the conditions for a real dialogue are not met. I believe that in this case both parties have a responsibility to do better “, he said.

The filmmaker considers that “the day that produces this necessary dialogue and that it will demonstrate mutual trust; it will have open doors, with rooms and state media, the Independents or the Independents; without secrets in the project”.

Ian Padrón’s message was directed to women “without permission to listen to an opinion” and rewrite it retrieval of violence owned by officials of the State against the group of young artists and periodicals Independientes that will manifest on Monday the 27th of January in front of the seat of MINCULT.
