I would like to comment on Gabriel Soto’s hiatus by saying that she is dating Irina Baeva

The fairy tale fairies we dimo conocer in La Verdad News row Gabriel Soto e Irina Baeva anunciaban su compromise in social speeches, notice that it caused a great deal of controversy between the public debt and that they have insured no tener plans of boda, al menos no en corto plazo.

The Instagram post announcing the compromise of Gabriel Soto e Irina Baeva ha superado los 173 mil hou; lamentably, the couple has been white-collar for long periods of time on the part of the cybercriminals, who have not accepted their sentimental relationship and are questioning about how they react to the actor’s hats to enter from his compromise.

Gabriel Soto has details of his compromise

In an interview with ‘Hoy’, the protagonist of the new telenovela ‘Te acuerdas de mí’ revealed that the little ones Elisa Marie y Alexa Miranda, there are two with Geraldine Bazán, the first ones were made in saber, in addition to revealing that they compromise ocurrió hace more than 3 months.

“Mi hija me dijo, bueno las dos: ‘¡Ay te vemos feliz, que bueno!’; yo siempre he dicho, mientras yo este feliz, ellas van a estar felices ”, declares Gabriel Soto.

For his part, the telenovelas actor revealed that he compromise with Irina Baeva, three months ago, when he decided to keep secret: “Yo le di elillo en octubre, pero lo hicimos public horea porque teníamos que… primero que dijera que sí, y después pues bueno, hablar con toda la familia, obviously and antes that nada con mis hijas ”.

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Irina Baeva and Gabriel Soto // Instagram

Gabriel Soto assures that his compromise with Irina Baeva is a sign that his relationship is better than never.

Finally, Gabriel Soto recalls that he was animated by this recent debate and that his relationship with the Russian actress is in the best of moments, in addition to the fact that she is very fond of her and that no one cares about the criticisms: , nos hemos hecho más fuertes, más solid, Irina es una gran mujer ”.

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Photos: Instagram
