I would like to announce that the first lot of vacancies for the COVAX mechanism will go to El Salvador this year

In agreement with these authorities, it will be possible to evacuate the staff of the second line of health, who are not directly related to Covid-19 patients.

The governor of El Salvador will receive the jewels a second lot of Astrazeneca vouchers against Covid-19, the one that contains 33,600 doses that will be used by Salud staff who do not reach first line patients with this disease.

President Nayib Bukele has shared his views on Twitter, which are part of the COVAX system, a global alliance that allows countries to receive free pharmaceutical form, which is led by organizations such as the Coalition for Innovation in the Anti-Epidemic Preparation (CEPI), Gavi and the Pan-American Organization of Health (OPS) / World Health Organization.

“We will accelerate the rhythm of the evacuation, and we will soon receive the greatest lots,” said Bukele.

Lee also: “El Gobierno maneja el tema vacunas como secrete de Estado”, dice infectologist Solano Leiva

Inside the Gobierno plan, those following the evacuation of the workers of Salud will be the staff of the National Civil Police, Armored Forces and Civil Protection, he said.

On February 17, the governing body initiated the first-line vacancy to receive the first lot of the upcoming antidote of India; fueron 20,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine the wounds were bought by the Governor directly at the Instituto Serum, one of the major manufacturers of vaccines in the world.

Authorities are involved in a confidentiality clause with the pharmaceutical company in order not to give details of the total value of the acquisition.

The initiation process of the eviction process on February 17, the Minister of Health, Franciso Alabí, said that on March 3, he applied “more than 20,000 vacancies to Salud staff”, which contrasts with the dose of the dose Government announcement that required.

Además: Minister of Health maintains secrecy regarding costs and logistics of vacancies against COVID-19

For experts in the field, the Gobierno has not been consistent with the dates it has revealed in the evacuation plan against the Covid-19, however it has given details of this is applied, which laments the lack of transparency of the state authorities.

The Ministry of Health, as an objective, is raising 4.5 million salvadorans. In the hope of being able to stay awake, the mayors and people with chronic illnesses are also considered to be at high risk of contracting the virus.
