I would like to announce an increase of up to $ 0.17 in the price of the combustibles from this week

This is the septima alza in the price of the combustibles that are registered in that which is from this year. The increase is due to a mayor’s request for petroleum and a record of the production agreed by OPEP.

Geen hooi buenas noticias para los automovilistas esta semana nie. The Ministry of Economy announced that the gas and diesel fuels will have a significant increase of up to $ 0.17 per gallon at service stations.

This is the second most successful in the price of combustion vehicles registered in this year, which will impact sectors such as taxis and formal and informal cargo transport.

In agreement with the new reference prices that will be available from this March, the superior gasoline will increase $ 0.17 / gallon in the central and western zones of the country, while in the eastern zone increase $ 0.16 / gallon.

The gasoline regular aumentará $ 0.17 / gallon in the central and western zones of the country, in the Oosterse aumentará zone $ 0.16 / gallon mientras que el diesel bajo en azufre aumentará $ 0.08 / gallon in the central zone of the country, in the western and oriental zones will increase $ 0.07 / gallon.

With these new prices the special gallon of gasoline rises to $ 3.60 in the central zone, $ 3.61 in the western zone and up to $ 3.64 in the eastern zone.

15 days ago the price per gallon was increased by $ 0.20.

The same prices per gallon of ordinary gasoline and diesel also range between $ 2.98 and $ 3.47 at maximum.

Do you know any of your tax payers that pay for each gallon of combustible?

According to Economy, it must be accompanied by three factors:

* Generalized losses during March in the strategic reserves of petroleum derivatives, reported by the International Energy Agency (AIE).

* The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEP) has created the demand for petroleum and derivatives.

* Losses in the asset value of the dollar have other divisions.

Según Economía, the prices that are published son sugeridos and the service stations are the ones that establish, agree with the offer and the demand. In El Salvador, the prices of the liquid combustibles are being liberalized.
