“I very seriously doubt whether they are just interrupting the J&J vaccine,” says Fauci.

“I do think there will probably be a warning, restriction or risk assessment. I do not think it’s just going to go back and say, ‘OK, all is well,’ and go back right away,” he added. “I think it will probably say, ‘OK, we’re going to use it. But be careful under these certain circumstances.'”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday recommended stopping the use of the J&J shot due to concerns about rare but serious blood clots.

An advisory panel for CDCs will meet Friday to discuss concerns about the vaccine. The panel met on Wednesday, but delayed a vote on whether and how to restrict the J&J based on gender or age.

Asked if the public would at least know something more definitive when the advisory committee meets at the end of the week, Fauci replies, “I’m pretty sure of that.”

“I think we will know in which direction we are going by Friday. Hopefully we will get back on track,” Fauci said. ‘But I do not think there will be anything that will stay on. I hope not. I do not think so.’

Speaking on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” Fauci said the problem with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is how effectively the government monitors the safety of the vaccines used.

“One of the things you can take away from all of this is that when the surveillance system, the CDC and the FDA say something is safe, you can be sure it’s safe,” he said.
