Aislinn Derbez published an audio of his father in which the advertisement to avoid visiting his house only when he is not.
It will be for this action of Eugenio Derbez applies dicho: between broma la verdad se asoma?, y es que el mexicano actor envió un audio a su hija Aislinn donde le reclamation por no visitarlo con frecuencia, muy su mannera con un poco de humor.
The audio was shared by Aislinn on his Instagram account, he also has to listen to the actor make sure that he is at home to hold family reunions only when he is not there.
“For sure, you have one more hope that you will make me travel to make parties, invite you to your house, and visit me,” said Eugenio Derbez at the beginning of his note.
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Following on from Instagram stories, the Mexican model appeared to be like his dad, who was kept on WhastsApp as a “patrician”, who imitated the conversation with Alessandra Rosaldo to find out if she was going home.
“O see, het de ser de las de: -Ale, ¿y mi papá?, -Aquí anda, ¿qué querías?, -A no, nada nada, bye. -Ale, ¿y mi papá?, -Ya se fue de viaje a trabajar, -Perfecto, vénganse a la casa o si quieren voy a la albercada, vamos a convivir- “, se escucha a Eugenio decir en el audio.
In this way, the comedian expresses to his wife that he is excluded from the family meetings that are planned if he has the opportunity to travel for work reasons. To conclude with the ad, Eugenio le dijo: “me he de morir y me has de extrañar”.
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The words of his father-in-law haberle caïdo en gracia ai Aislinn, ya que le responsió con emojis de risa et le scribió: “chale, yo voy igual que siempre menso”; Además le aseguró que ella visu su casa todos fines de semana “esté o no esté” el in casa.
Aislinn maintains a good relationship with his ancestor, hecho hace un mes, Eugenio le dedicó unas belas palabras para su compléños donde le aseguró que es su primer amor, además compartieron un video donde ella le demuestra mucho cariño.