“I have seen for a long time that a notary worked for 20 years”

| 15/04/2021 – 13:52 (GMT-4)

The Cuban humorist Ulises Toirac appearance on Cuban television on the retransmission of a chapter of the popular children’s space La Sombrilla Amarilla, in which he interprets Don Quixote of the Mancha, and spends much time without paying attention to the little one, in which he works for decades.

“And it’s been a long time since he was written on Cuban TV that he worked for 20 years, he’s an exquisite character who’s called ‘La Sombrilla Amarilla’ incarnating Don Quixote of the Mancha”, writes Toirac along with various pictures of program.

The humorist, who appears in a vocational form in La Sombrilla Amarilla interpreting a variety of characters, it also lamented that “nevertheless the reconciliation is sufficient to realize one of the most spectacular Cuban television programs of all time”.

“Thanks to your realization team for sublime aunts and alegric aunts and marvelous aunts”.

During the 20 years he worked for Cuban television, Ulises Toirac worked in programs like Sabadazo, ¿Y tú, de qué te ríes?, ¿Jura decir la verdad?, among other musical and humorous programs, as well as participation in the films Alicia en el Pueblo Maravillas, Adorables Mentiras y A king in La Habana, in addition to Chivichana La Película.

A couple of years ago, Toirac criticized the censorship of humor in Cuban television: “What has been published today is counter-revolutionary”, afirmó, y, por lo tanto, el humor en el país está lejos de florecer.

In this case, too, there has been a resurgence of alvido as his sometimes many creators and Cuban artists and the zero remuneration of his work in many cases: for example, without paying a single cent to its authors “.

El año pasado, a proposition of the expulsion of actor Andy Vázquez – Facundo, and Vivir del Cuento– from Cuban television, Toirac ensures that the medium is state “there is no way to get rid of his lab”.

The humorist shares his views on the Cuban reality and uses his humor to score points on the media in many media and decisions that go without saying.

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