I felt the death of the music Homero Guerrero

Dominican rock is lute with the party until the march of one of its exponents, Homero Guerrero, musician and producer of the alternative national artistic scene. Tenía 49 years.

Homero fue bajista in various groups, between them “Los Fulanos” and “Machacao”. It’s the ultimate in more eclectic and personal project, being both a composer and an arreglista.

Guerrero fue tan diverso par la scena que también creó y production of the events “Rock LTD” (musical competencies where reference is made to the emblematic figure of Luis Terror Días), and the “Rock Camp”, oriented to children and adolescents, among others .

Manager, stage manager, entrepreneur, owner of legendary spaces like “Bar H” and “Ye Old Homero”; cultural gesture and main figure in projects oriented to the diffusion and crime of rock, alternative music and causes of social impact.

Fue además onuitspreeklike para decenas de proyectos musicales, como el de su amigo en hermano de vida Pavel Núñez, ‘n vreemdeheid tot die unie historia.

Homerito gives a great deal of pain and vacancy in many ways, he has his party, he expressed his feelings and anecdotes about social speeches.

This is the case of director Ernesto Alemany, who says the following: “Homerito always appears … Every time a cause is necessary for its talent and its commitment and its commitment to the order without question. We are friends from the time of the Odeons and the Olympics in that you are a groupie and a legend, so 30 years ago. No lo puedo creer, hasta luego mi loco ”.

Asimismo Pavel Núñez expressed in a verse his sentiment: “If you had killed me, I would have liked to have been able to participate in your party, because I had nothing to do with you, because I was irreverent and did not like me somberero ante the insignificant practice of loading with corpses, which sepas that even I love quotes, te devolveré cantos. Because everything he has told me he was converted into a song, and you died, will not be the exception ”.

Homero’s party will take place on March 29, 2020, in the spring, after presenting a critical and ascending frame of a super ventricular tachycardia and other complications that culminate in its onset.

He has a wife, two children, and he is an artistic community that thrives on sadness and in a “Hasta luego Homero”.

His body was sold at the Blanderia Funeria, from 10:00 a.m. on the eve of this Wednesday, December 30th.
