“I do not believe that cohesion is the solution”, ‘n Bill Gates has no interest in Marte as much as Elon Musk | International | Notice

Microsoft’s creator unveiled Elon Musk’s work with Tesla, but he’s bound to dwell on the planet’s problems, such as the climatic change.

Bill Gates reiterate his interest in working on problems of our planet, as the climatic calendars, before looking for the conquest of other worlds, as the millionaire Elon Musk con Marte.

With its Space X company, Musk took the step to read at least a decade on the red planet and some special tourists. Prohibition of sin, the preview of Microsoft, indicates that it is more important than the problem.

“The things that make people think – electricity, passenger cars – are a third of the problem. As long as we work in other areas, ”Gates commented on statements made by Xataka.

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Without embarrassment, the work that Musk has done with his company Tesla, in the creation of electric cars, was removed to help reduce contamination and work in favor of reversing the climatic cambio.

“If anything, he has been featured on Bill Gates for years and is the most popular altruism popularized by the Australian philosopher Peter Singer. Applying this principle, it will be more beneficial to invest money for the things of the Earth than March. Segun has expressed, prefers to host the diner in other ways on travel to Marte. For example, we can host the diner and distribute vacancies or take other media that reduce the propaganda of nurses, ”he added in the publication. (I)
