I do not appreciate my co-workers’ hostility

DEAR HARRIETTE: I suffer from extreme allergies all year round and work at a factory. When I get into one of my sneezes or coughs, I can feel my co-workers cringe.

Harriette Cole

I understand. Coughing and sneezing spread germs, and no one wants to catch COVID-19. But we all take COVID tests once a week. I have never tested positive. I have allergies.

Trust me – it’s not easy to wear and wear a mask, which only makes it harder to breathe. But I wear it anyway, just like everyone else. How can I stop my co-workers from looking at me? It’s hard enough to be there when I’m not feeling well. I do not appreciate the hostility.

Stop glaring

LOVE STOPS: Draw a sign to wear: “I HAVE ALLERGIES, NOT COVERED.” If you allow it, you want to take it seriously. It indicates to people that you are not a source of germs that they need to worry about.

I can only imagine how challenging it is to deal with the daily glamor. Keep taking your allergy medicine. Get the vaccine every time it comes to your side – with your doctor’s approval, because you have allergies – and wear a sign if your supervisor allows it. This can reduce hostility.

DEAR HARRIETTE: I want to be better at keeping in touch with people.

I went to visit and visit people before the COVID-19 days. This included people in my hometown when I went home during the holidays, and people in my neighborhood or from previous jobs when I was quiet. Now I’m at home all the time. When people come to mind, I realize it’s a long time before we catch up.
