“I am moved and share it for money **”: Pepillo Origel took his scandal at vacancy in the EU

(Photo: Instagram by Pepillo Origel)
(Photo: Instagram by Pepillo Origel)

Pepillo Origel cancels the silence while provoking a global scandal over vacancies in the United States against the COVID-19.

The famous Mexican television presenter is featured in the program Hay, do not habló de la polemica que surgió pork se immunizo en un pais ajeno and defended his action, which he obtained with the authorization of the North American governor.

Juan José Origel, complete number of the Mexican periodical, points out that if the vaccine is felt because there is a lot of help with coronavirus contagion: “I will not tell you why I was evacuated.”

Además relates to the fact that hizo to accredit the legal form vacancy in EEUU: “I went to Miami as a tourist and I was dying for what I can see to see if there is a vacancy. Me tocó la suerte ”.

(Photo: Instagram by Pepillo Origel)
(Photo: Instagram by Pepillo Origel)

“I read it, I was quoted as saying at 3:00 pm at a Miami zoo and I read, I do not have any other car, nothing, I was the only one who cared for the vacancy … I was with the only one who cared that he was my tourist passport, he was with me and I pushed the vacuna ”, relation.

“La vida me cambió”, took the famous presenter who collaborated with Ventaneando, La Botana, Intrusos, Con Permiso y Hoy.

Nothing (no two contraindications). I feel normal, but since the pusieron hicieron I hope 15 minutes to see if there is any reaction and I do not tuve. The only way is to be good ”, explained.

Origel recalls that the surgeon’s surgeon was able to receive the vaccine and did not follow the risk of contacting COVID-19.

Add to that the fact that when a child is vaccinated, many people are hoping to take action, and if so, the hubris is not applied injecting another person.

(Screenshot: Twitter)
(Screenshot: Twitter)

Pepillo Origel also has its reasons for sharing this great advance in its health and state of mind: “The hice, because in the first place were very emotional and for many people that could not be found and could not receive the vaccine, ps that vean. No sé, me emotionis muchísimo y aparte por pende **, la verdad, porque mejor no hubiera subido nada ”.

“I have no ill intentions”, recalculated ante the comments of its companions and conductors of Hay, Raúl “El Negro” Araiza and Andrea Escalona.

“Claro si no lo hubieras subido ne se hubiera creado la confusión”, apoyó a Pepillo el también actor de Televisa.

Origin results in the fact that it is much easier to initiate the pandemic and launch the questioning of other people who also need to be evacuated by their advanced age. “La gente joven la libra, pero a nosotros, a esta edad, no la libramos. I’m alive with the panic that’s going through me, ”he said.

The Mexican periodical assured that it had not received any indication from the North American authorities, that I hope to see the application of its second dose of the vaccine against COVID-19.

(Photo: Instagram / juanjoseorigel)
(Photo: Instagram / juanjoseorigel)

“Are you human, related girl, related to being evacuated, what is the problem? Bendito see Dios de que me la pusieron, ahora espero que me pongan la segunda dosis ”, deduction.

Last week a big news story was published by Juan José Origel presumably that applied the antiviral in the United States, because in Mexico it was found in phase 1 dedicated exclusively to first-line medical staff.

The controversy escalated to the international pressure, where the inconsistency of the North American community was dispelled as a vacancy to a foreign tourist and not to the same citizens.


“Tuve que venir a EEUU”: “Pepillo” Origel presumio que ya se vacunó contra el COVID-19 y en redes sociales lo atacaron

“Selfishness”: Pepillo Origel’s “Vacation Tourism” Escalated to the International Press

