Hundreds of skeletons fill this remote Himalayan lake. How did they get there?

High in the Himalayas, a four- to five-day trek from the nearest village, sits a modest glacial lake called Roopkund. The place is beautiful, a bit of jewel-toned water amidst rough gravel and screams, but hardly unusual for the rugged landscape – except for the hundreds of human bones scattered within and around the lake.

These bones, which belong to between 300 and 800 people, have been a mystery since a ranger first reported them to the wider world in 1942. However, the mystery only deepened. In 2019, a new genetic analysis of the ancient DNA in the legs, set out in the journal Nature communication, found that at least 14 of the people who died on the lake were probably not from South Asia. Rather, their genes are similar to those of modern humans in the eastern Mediterranean.
