Hoy’s conductor says goodbye to his ex and dismisses rumors of reconciliation

This end of the week marks the end of the gender revelation of Ferka and Christian Estrada, who are in the throes of a dynamic pastime that consisted of punching a globe that spans blue azaleas, discovering a tender varoncito.

In his event, he was accompanied by his family and more close friends, because Mauricio Barcelata did not fail, Luja y Lambda García.

As I read it, after announcing that we will end our sentimental relationship, the singer and the conductor of ‘Hoy’ say re-contraron.

In the meantime, rumors of a possible reconciliation have not been raised, without embarrassment, at the moment it has not been confirmed.

Luja y Lambda García newly joined

If Lambda and Luja fans are embarrassed by the fact that they are juntos, then they will have a beautiful couple.

Luja y Lambda García newly joined
