Hoy Habria Conductor Displays the program to appear on Aztec TV

I have appeared in a Aztec TV program, habrían decidido discouraged ‘n una program conductor ‘Hoy’, who did not notice that he was assisting with the other television.

Luego de que la excapitana de ‘Guerreros 2020’, Macky González, appear in the pants of Aztec TV, tras be invited to the program ‘Mimí Contigo’, currently conducted by Carmen Muñoz, transcended what was done in Hebrew sin trabajo by Televisa.

Following the story of Alex Kaffie in his column of a national circulation diary, the athletic side sidekick forward of the program ‘Hay‘, luego de que al parecer, Macky did not communicate with his wife, including the producer, who will assist Ajusco’s television.

Macky’s appearance on ‘Mimí Contigo’:

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For that reason, Macky González if habría quedado sin su section ‘Reto Macky‘inside the matutino, which emits each fire, because it has which last week fue la última en las pantallas Televisa.

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We remember that Macky fue part of reality ‘Exatlón’ from Azteca TV, and finalize is united in Television to be the captain of the ‘Cobras’ in reality Guerreros 2020 ‘.

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In the hall of ‘Mimí Contigo‘, Macky is sincere and sorry about his experience in ‘Exatlón’, now that no fue consideration to be captain in the new time of ‘Guerreros’.

Macky reunited with Exatlon’s companions in the program he assisted with:
