Hoy domingo’s horoscope February 14, 2021 – Free Press

ARIES (March 21- April20) –

Love: Family conflicts reappear in a meeting where the idea works well. Cuide a su pareja. Hello: the nervousness of the altercation. Surprise: an improvised citation will be entertained.

TAURO (April 21-May20) –

Love: there is a compromise that will not come down. Conocerá su alma gemela gemo inesperado. Salud: cuide su garganta. Surprise: an hopeless situation will turn into a giro.

GEMINIS (mayo21-junio21) –

Love: its varied interests relate to a second plan to the couple. Covered, a third will want to go. Salud: relájese más y dormirá. Surprisingly: the lesser ones are the ones who have the upper hand.

CANCER (June 22-July 23) –

Amor: on the crisient charisma he drives the truck to know alguien. Deja de lado su timidez y los sentimientos fluyen. Salud: vuelva al gimnasio. Surprise: the past will resolve a future theme.

LEO (julio24-agosto23) –

Love: his glasses will attract him to his entourage: he is in the room but he will do something that he will not want to improvise. Attention. Salud: sentirá gran vigor. Surprise: a gratuity at the moment of being a revelator.

VIRGO (August 24-September 23) –

Love: the demand for attention with insistence. Pequeñas alegrías renovarán la seducción y todo mejorará. Salud: Initiate a diet. Surprise: one proposes the result confusing.

LIBRA (September 24-October 22) –

Love: a tormentor eats through his intuition the mantra to salvo. Reconciled with much sympathy. Salud: a dolencia cederá. Surprise: Avoid agotadora controversy.

ESCORPIO (October 23-November 22) –

Love: the situation of the couple needs the limits or the idea of ​​stability will be a sueño. Salud: treat to take more water. Surprise: Terminá vieja pelea with a friend.

SAGITARIO (November23-December21) –

Love: Read stories of love that appear to be broken by the passage of time; possible romance. Salud: los pies dolerán. Surprise: the confidant has a secret.

CAPRICORNIO (December22-January20) –

Love: Experiencing a fusion sentiment with your partner. The intimate exchange creates madurez. Salud: la espalda deja de doler. Surprise: get a record that all celebrities.

ACUARIO (enero21-febrero19) –

Love: his nerves make him lose his temper and get annoyed with his partner. Cuidado, has dura respuestas. Hello: I have an allergy. Surprisingly: some of them are very popular.

PISCIS (February 20-March 20) –

Amor: his sensitivity avoids that he discards objects that are taken to a store. Viva el presente. Hello: I have a good heart. Surprise: Finally, a herida of the past will be found.

If you are a couple of years old you are a person: working and servicing you have to dissect your concerns.
