How to try the Mediterranean diet to eat healthy

  • The Mediterranean diet has been considered the best for general health by experts for four years in a row.
  • The eating plan is easy to follow and not restrictive, focusing on healthy fats, products and whole grains.
  • Here’s how Mediterranean style eating can be included in your diet, which includes benefits such as weight loss, better blood sugar control, healthier digestion and a lower risk of disease.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

The dietitians and doctors have for the fourth year in a row the healthy way of eating to consider the Mediterranean diet.

The unrestricted eating habits that are mostly plant-based have been extensively researched. Study after study has found benefits for weight loss, lower risk of disease, better digestion and even healthier aging.

The diet is based on eating habits in regions such as Greece and southern Italy. These parts of the world are one of the so-called blue zones, regions of the world where people lead the longest and healthiest lives.

If you want to try this celebrated diet yourself, but do not know where to start, dieticians recommend incorporating more Mediterranean foods into your diet, including leafy vegetables, healthy fats, seafood and whole grains.

At the same time, you can cut out foods that some of the healthiest communities in the world tend to avoid, such as refined grains and starches, added sugar and processed meats.

Swap processed and red meat for fish or beans

One of the biggest differences between the Mediterranean diet and the standard American diet is that the latter contain more red meat and processed meats, both of which are linked to long-term health risks.

Research has found that reducing red meat and processed meat can lower your chances of diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Read more: How can you start healthy eating habits with this one-week Mediterranean diet plan recommended by a registered dietitian?

For example, you have a portion of grilled fish, such as salmon or tilapia, with a side of fried greens or a garden salad.

Dietitians recommend that you also use canned beans as an affordable and high-fiber source of protein.

Eat your greens (and red and yellow)

Fresh produce is the basis of the Mediterranean diet, from leafy vegetables to juicy grapes to bright tomatoes and peppers. These plant foods contain a lot of vitamins as well as fiber, which is important for a good digestive system.

Colorful salads, stews and pasta dishes in the Mediterranean style are not only delicious and eye-catching, but also rich in various nutrients.

Different colors may indicate different levels of phytochemicals or plant compounds with important nutrients and health benefits.

Registered dietitian Brigitte Zeitlin earlier told Insider that you should eat a rounded diet of at least three colors from different sources each day.

Add olive oil

The Mediterranean diet focuses on fat sources such as olive oil, which are unsaturated fats, and according to research, it is better for long-term health and longevity.

Unlike saturated fat, which is associated with a higher risk for

heart disease
and other chronic diseases, unsaturated fat can reduce inflammation.

It is also better for cholesterol levels and is not linked to metabolic dysfunction or cardiovascular disease.

Healthy fats from olive oil and fatty fish can help replace the unhealthy processed oils and fat substitutes that have become popular in American diets in recent decades.

Reduce refined carbohydrates

While the Mediterranean diet does not limit any specific foods, refined starch and sweet treats are one thing you will not find much of.

The diet discourages the consumption of added sugars and processed carbohydrates, including snacks, sweets, potato chips and the like, in favor of whole foods.

Read more: Eating processed foods can increase your risk of early death from heart disease by 58%, the study finds

This may explain why the Mediterranean diet is linked to benefits for blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity, and may be helpful for people with diabetes.

Enjoy wine in moderation

Part of the popularity of the Mediterranean diet is that it is a bit indulgent in foods you enjoy, including rich cheeses and yes, even wine. And there are some anti-inflammatory benefits associated with drinking wine, in small amounts.

However, dietitians warn that they should not give in to red wine, as alcohol is regularly shown to increase the risk of cancer and stroke.

And if you already remember alcohol, there is no reason to drink it as part of the Mediterranean diet, because you can get many benefits from alcohol-free choices such as coffee, tea, grapes and berries.
