How to see Lyrid meteor shower 2021 in the UK tonight

Good news for all amateur astronomers: the first major meteor shower of 2021 has arrived. The celestial spectacle is called the Lyrid Meteorite Rain and will shoot light streaks across the night sky during mid-April.

While not the most active shower of the year, you can still expect to see about 18 fast and clear meteors every hour during its peak. However, the brightness of an almost full moon (known as a moon) will make it harder to detect the meteorites than usual.

So, what is the best way to make sure you see the Lyrid Meteor shower? What causes it in the first place? And when exactly should you look for it? All this (and more) is answered below.

For more stargazing tips, check out our Astronomy for Beginners Guide and our UK Full Moon Calendar.

When can you see the Lyrid Meteor shower 2021 in the UK?

The Lyrid meteor shower falls between April 13-29 this year.

However, it will be most visible during its peak: the early morning of April 22 (you must stay awake until midnight to get the best view).

What exactly is a meteorite mood?

A meteor shower is a collection of space debris known as meteors that become visible in the night sky as it burns up in the Earth’s atmosphere.

This debris – usually dust from a comet or asteroid – is often only the size of a grain of sand. But although small, it can move at a tremendous speed (up to 66 km / s), ensuring that it shines brightly in the atmosphere.

Lyrid’s meteor shower is caused when the earth’s orbit intersects with the debris left by the comet Thatcher. The shower has been observed by humans for more than 2,500 years, but the comet itself has not been seen since 1861. Thatcher’s orbit around the sun is so large that it crosses into the inner solar system about every 415 years.

(If you’re wondering: no, comet Thatcher has nothing to do with former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Instead, it’s named after astronomer AE Thatcher, who first spotted the comet).

How can I Lyrid meteor shower 2021?

Do not worry too much about searching for one specific point in space – Lyrid meteors are visible all over the night sky. To give you a wide field of view, it is best to throw the telescope and rely on your eyes alone.

After seeing a few streaks of light through the sky, you will see that the meteors all come from the same area: the constellation Lyra, which contains the star Vega. To find the star, we recommend an app for stargazing such as SkyView Lite (free on Android and Apple devices).

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However, do not spend your time looking directly at this exact area (known as the radiant) – meteors may be coming from here, but it is unlikely to be visible in this exact location.

The later you stay awake on the night of April 21, the more meteors you are likely to see. This is because the radiation will appear higher in the sky and fewer meteors will be hidden behind the horizon.

Before attempting to locate the shower, it is best to adjust your eyes to the darkness for at least 20 minutes (looking at your phone during this time may make your night vision bitter). Staying away from city lights can help your visibility.

What is the difference between meteors, comets and asteroids?

Although often used interchangeably (especially in bad sci-fi), there are important differences:

  • Meteors are the pieces of rock and twilight that break away from comets and asteroids. A meteorite falls through the earth’s atmosphere.
  • Asteroids are masses of rocks orbiting the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
  • Comet, like asteroids, orbit the sun. However, they are made of ice and dust rather than rock.

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