How to operate the vaccine against the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus, the single dose unit and the third trial in United States | International | Notice

This week he approved three new vacancies, both in China and at J&J.


Although it is advancing the months of appearing more vacant against the COVID-19 with the aim of initiating the end of the pandemic, but it is yet to dawn.

Prohibition of probes, this week he was raising the hopes that this time would be short, since this week China has approved more than one United States, the Johnson & Johnson (J&J), which calls the attention of the community only because it has a dose.

El viernes la Medicines and Food Administration (FDA) of the United States approves the emergency use of the J&J vaccine and hopes that science will use intermediates.

Preferably a group of the FDA, which includes 22 specialists in epidemiology, has indicated that it is effective “in all demographic groups”.

In addition to taking a single dose, the J&J vaccine can be used in communal refrigerators (between 2 and 8 degrees) during my three months, which is logistically the most difficult to manage than Pfizer and Modern, which requires the temperature of the congelación extremas.

Included can be kept at -20 ° up to long periods of two years.

The tests carried out by J&J on his vacancy in EE.UU. there is an infection of 72%, in Latin America of 66% and in South Africa, where a more resistant and contagious variant of the virus has been extended, of 64%.

The vaccine had an increase of 73.1% in the prevention of cases occurring at least 14 days after the vaccination and 81.7% in the cases at least 28 days after the injection.

In serious cases, the demonstrators demonstrated that the vacancy rate is 86% in the United States and 82% in Latin America, which is in practice means that it is extremely effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths.

The FDA signaled that the vaccine would be protected, including in South African and Brazilian countries, and that in clinical trials in the United States there would be an increase against 85.9% of cases, with 81.7% in South Africa y the 87.6% of Brazil.

What is the difference with other vacancies?

The mechanism used by us is very different from those of Pfizer-BioNTech and Modern, which use the ARNm method, and are most similar to those of AstraZenec-Oxford.

The J&J vaccine uses a debilitated viral vector, characteristic adenovirus of diseases such as influenza, the target stel the gene necessary to encode the protein of the specimen in, which serves as the entry of coronavirus into the cells.

The immune system of the receptor of this vaccine interprets that the coronavirus is present in the body, so that it can generate the necessary urine inside the organism and is prepared to detect the real infection.

The adenovirus was modified in order to replicate and to obtain a coronavirus key protein.

In general, the vaccine is well tolerated and has no reports of severe allergic reactions, as it has been reported in rare cases with Pfizer and Moderna doses.

Accelerated production

J&J has said it hopes to distribute 20 million doses in United States for the March finals, while the Governor has ensured that, among them, between three and four million will be distributed next week.

The coordinator for Casa Blanca’s COVID-19, Jeff Zients, announced that Gobierno’s working with Johnson & Johnson to accelerate the pace of production with vistas to distribute a total of 100 million doses for June finals.

The hecho of this vacancy requires a sole injection, differentiating between the doses of Pfizer and Modern, accelerating the vacancy campaign. (I)
