How to obtain the citizenship of the United States?


Existence of forms for a person whose nation will be United States can obtain the citizenship of this country: by birth and trades of the fathers and by naturalization.

In this article, you will be eligible to be elected to the Citizenship of the United States and a step in the right direction to be taken in order to obtain citizenship of these countries.

According to the site, the time it takes for the citizen to obtain the application depends on the solicitor’s situation.

Steps to obtain citizenship (by naturalization)

Looks elegant

  • Debe tener at least 18 years of age.
  • Be a permanent resident (hold a green card or “Green Card”).
  • Fill with other requirements that can vary according to your marriage, marital status and military service.

Full form

If you complete the previous requirements, you can complete the N-400 naturalization application form, which is available online, so you can print and read it at your home; The letter will be sent by mail together with the necessary documentation and payment of the service to the service center, which is indicated on the form.

Introduce it to what tomen huellas

The Service of Citizenship and Immigration of the United States (Uscis, sailing in English) will review the application and program a quote to take care of the working people.

Assist in an interview

Deberás is in an interview to present the exam of naturalization.

Jurisprudence Ceremony

If you approve the interview and the exam, you will receive a notification to assist in the jurisprudence ceremony, you will be converted into a city study and you will receive the certification of naturalization.

It is important to know that the legal ceremony will take place immediately before your passport is issued.

What do you take in the exam to be a citizen of the United States?

The site details that the naturalization exam is the final step to obtain the Citizenship of the United States. The test, which must be approved, is an interview with a Uscis official.

The first part of the exam to be a citizen of the United States is a civic education test on the history and governing state.

Belangrike mentions that the people who will be present as of December 1, 2020 will present the 2020 version of the study guide (in English), which consists of 128 questions and the official Uscis has 20; to approve must contest correctly 12 of the 20 questions.

While waiting for candidates to submit their applications before December 1, 2020, we will study the 2008 version of the guide, which consists of 100 questions. In these cases the official will have 10 questions and to be able to try to dispute correctly six of the 10.

The second part of the exam is a English test which consists of three parts: conversation, reading and writing.

  • Exam oral. Your ability to speak English will be determined by an Uscis official during the interview.
  • Reading exam. If you read correctly one of the two orations in English.
  • Writing exam. I would like to write about one of three English oracations.

Debes knows that English test it is mandatory, unless you are eligible to apply for a disability or oath (for 50-year-olds).

To obtain more information we recommend we call the National Center for Customer Attention Uscis al + 1-800-375-5283 (press 2 for Spanish) or 1-800-767-1833 (TTY, for people with auditory problems).
