How to live longer: Japanese diet linked to longevity

The Japanese population on average survives that of other G7 countries (France; Germany; Italy; Japan; the United States; the United Kingdom and Canada), according to an international comparison published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition last year. This tendency is due in part to the remarkably low mortality rates due to ischemic heart disease and cancer (especially breast and prostate). Research published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) suggests that the Japanese diet may offset life expectancy figures.

Adherence to these guidelines is a diet low in saturated fat and low in processed foods but high in carbohydrates.

‘Our findings suggest that balanced consumption of energy, grains, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, soy products, dairy products, sweets and alcoholic beverages can contribute to longevity by reducing the risk of death, mainly due to cardiovascular disease. the Japanese population, ”the researchers concluded.

The researchers behind the international comparison suggested that the Japanese diet also contains the best aspects of the Westernized diet.

“The typical Japanese diet, which is characterized by plant-based foods and fish, as well as a modest Westernized diet such as meat, milk and dairy products, can be accompanied by a long lifespan in Japan,” they wrote.

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What to avoid

In general, you should avoid foods high in saturated fat, as this will increase the levels of “bad” cholesterol in your blood.

Bad cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol, is a waxy substance that collects on the inside of the arterial walls.

According to the NHS, foods high in saturated fat include:

  • Meat pies
  • Sausages and fatty cuts of meat
  • Butter
  • Ghee – a type of butter often used in Indian cuisine
  • Varkvet
  • Cream
  • Hard cheese
  • Cakes and biscuits
  • Foods that contain coconut or palm oil.

“You should also try to avoid too much sugar in your diet, as it may increase your chances of diabetes,” warns the health body.

The other important tip to increase longevity is to exercise regularly.

Exercise can reduce your risk for a number of chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.

Aerobic exercise usually offers the greatest health benefits.

As Harvard Health reports, almost all of the research regarding the disease benefits of exercise revolves around cardiovascular activity, which includes walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling.

“Experts recommend exercising at a moderate intensity when performing aerobic exercises – brisk walking that speeds up your breathing is one example,” the health body recommends.

“This level of activity is safe for almost everyone and offers the desired health benefits.”

Additional health benefits may result from increased intensity.

“Overall, 75 minutes of intense intensity activity can provide similar health benefits as 150 minutes of moderate intensity,” says the NHS.
