How to help the Asian-Estadounidenses of audio attacks

(CNN) – In all, the United States of America has its verbal, economic, and physical attacks.

An old man embossed, put him to bed and fed him on his diary. Extraordinary launches and shots at the home of an Asian origin native. In a restaurant pintaron phrases like “Kung flu” (grip Kung) “go back 2 China” (vuelve a China) and “hoop U die” (hope that dies).

The audio crimes against the Asians are being duplicated with crises during the pandemic, according to the Center for the Audio Studio and the Extremism of the California State University in San Bernardino.

Without embarrassment, there are forms in which the persons of all the origins can help to detain the violence:

Frena the racist comments when the veas o escuches

If there is a friend who is angry about the “China virus” or “kung flu” in social media, communicated and explained why it is not graceful and offensive.

The words have consequences. Many Asian-American organizations have been scolded, attacked or falsely accused of the “China virus”, the “Chinese virus” or the “kung flu”.

These terms are popularizing the beginning of the pandemic. Investigators have discovered that the people who use the hashtag #chinesevirus on Twitter have more than double the probability of demonstrating anti-inflammatory sentiments that those who use # covid19.

It included accusations and attacks on Asian states that have never been in China. And the crimes against the Asian origin states have increased by about 150% during the pandemic.

Conduct a free intervention course

The spectator intervention courses propose the necessary training to detain the acoustic and possibly prevent the violence.

The lucha group against the Hollaback acoustic! associate with the Asian Americans Advancing Justice organization to offer free online training to help you disable xenophobia in action.

“We will discuss the types of non-compliance that are affecting Asian and Asian individuals at the moment, since micro-aggression has been violated,” the registry website said.

«We discuss five intervention strategies: distract, delegate, document, retrieve and direct. And he will prioritize your own safety while intervening (…) And you will feel more secure in intervening the next time you agree with the Asian-online meetings or in person », explains.

Support Asian-Established Local Business Negotiations

Although many negotiations have failed over the past year, Asian-American communities have been affected by disproportionate manners. His shortcomings are fueled by discrimination and xenophobia.

According to the Pew Center for Investigation, 44% of the population surveyed said that they had some money to pay for the job.

The financial gulp can be doubly devastating for immigrant families who do not have solid financial security reasons or who do not have the linguistic abilities to compete for other jobs.

“The example affected gravitational pull on the most unfavorable Asian-American students,” wrote investigators from the State University of San Francisco at UCLA’s School of Public Health.

In California, for example, 83% of Asian-state labor force with secondary education or a lower level of education solicits subsidies for example, «comparing with 37% of California’s labor force balance educational ».

Add a brand to your profile picture

We have seen the rapid increase in racist insults in social networks. One form of counterattack is to spread messages of support in audio space.

Facebook offers many marks for your profile picture, including “Staan teen racism” (“Lucha contra el racismo”) “Stop Asiatiese haat” (Detén el odio contra los asiáticos) and “Stop AAPI hate” (detén el odio contra the estadounidenses of asian origins and islands of the Pacific).

These messages can offer a very solidarity with the Asian origin organizations. También can also help reduce the popularity of antiseptic sentiment.

Give to the families of the victims

Recent tirotes in Atlanta’s spa areas are also victims, including six Asian ascension women. For some families, the pain is now aggravated by the financial crisis.

One of the victims was a solitary and exclusive mother of two who had no other relatives in the United States.

And at least two families are suffering from extreme financial difficulties, said Charlie Yoon Kim, president of the Granada Estadounidense de Gran Gran Atlanta.

“Estaban is concerned about the alquilers and the invoices for the public services and other practical costs, including the funeral process,” he said.

GoFundMe accounts

GoFundMe has several verified accounts that benefit from direct contact with some of the families of the people who killed or killed her in the March 16 attacks:

– Suncha Kim: “Like many Asian immigrants, I have very few Englishmen and ten or three workers. This is a huge value and I would like to have a reader, “said his family in a written statement. “As an immigrant, to all that my abuera always quizo in the vue fue enveecer con my abuelo y ver a sus hijos y nietos vivir la vida que elun nunca llegó a vivir”.

– Yong Ae Yue: “My mother was an incredible woman because she could share with our family and friends her Korean comedy partner and her Korean karaoke”, he wrote in his minor voice. “The world will launch trials and tribulations to bring trial, but this trial will be unjust. Todavía is in a state of shock due to the violence committed by our mother ».

– Hyun Jung Grant: “I was a mad mother who dedicated everything to her husband and husband to me,” he wrote. Only we are German and you are in United States. The rest of my family is in Korea of ​​Sur and can not come ».

– Delaina Ashley Yaun: was a mother of two, including 8 months old. Yaun y su esposo estaban recibiendo un masaje cuando comenzaron los disparos. “He’s a good person,” said her husband. «No thank you so much. Nadie is the mercy ».

– Elcias Hernandez-Ortiz: «Disappearance in the front has the pulses and the stomach. Do not need a facial surgery », wrote his poem. “Please, help me and my family to donate money to cover my medical bills.” For the benefit of my family and the families that are affected by this tiroteo ».

Biden condena violencia contra asiático-estadounidenses in Atlanta 4:54

Support groups that change by a change

Last year, more than 3,700 cases of discrimination were reported, including violence against Asian-American couples, including the Stop AAPI Hate defense group.

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund works to protect and promote the civil rights of the Asian origin states. It is a donation and donation of voluntary lawyers and students of law.

As an organization Asian Americans promoting justice | AAJC works to improve public education and the promotion of public policies and community organization to help build a more equitable society.

Yoonjung Seo de CNN contributes a good reporter.
