How to get vaccinated if you are afraid of needles

Most people are not very fond of needles.

But for a significant number of people, the fear of needles goes beyond mere anxiety in a more dangerous area, in which the fear prevents them from seeking the necessary medical care.

And as the world’s hopes of returning to a normal post-pandemic rest mainly on people’s willingness to take a Covid-19 vaccine, experts and health professionals assure people that there are ways to overcome this fear. .

“It would be heartbreaking for me if a fear of needles kept anyone from getting this vaccine, because there are things we can do to alleviate it,” said Dr. Nipunie S. Rajapakse, an expert in infectious diseases at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, said. .

A University of Michigan study found that 16 percent of adults from multiple states avoided annual flu vaccinations for fear of needles, and 20 percent avoided tetanus shots.

Mary Rogers, a retired professor at the University of Michigan and one of the authors of the study, said it was too soon to know if a similar number of people would remember the Covid-19 vaccine. But the fear tends to worsen as people get older – which is worrying, as the rise of coronavirus cases is driven by young people, who are more likely to have phobia.

Experts believe that this is a problem that can be overcome, whether the fear is holding you back from getting the vaccine or from simply making you suffer. Here are the steps they suggest taking.

A therapist can help people with the worst fears, using some of the techniques that help people overcome other fears that could affect their lives.

‘If we’re really worried about a fear, it’s when it’s so hindering the person getting the necessary medical care, or making the person so anxious that he’s getting a flu shot or the vaccine, but they’s sick for a month. to get it, ‘says Dianne Chambless, a retired professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.

With other phobias, professionals will often recommend exposing yourself to the fear, such as someone who is afraid of heights who are gradually spending more time on a balcony. But it is more difficult to do with needles, as shots are rare and can be easily avoided.

Dr. Chambless suggested working at your convenience by first looking at photos of needles and syringes, then photos of someone taking a chance and uploading videos. But a therapist can offer a more complete plan.

If you can not see a therapist, self-help books can be a faster option to overcome phobias, she said.

There may be techniques they can use, or products available, to reduce the pain or be more patient, Dr. Rajapakse said.

If it would help to have someone with you for support, some vaccination centers may allow this, but you should ask in advance.

Some people’s fears can be so severe that they run the risk of fainting. If this is the case, the nurse may be able to lay the shot with you, or otherwise help reduce the risk, Dr. Rajapakse said.

If fainting is a risk and you become drowsy, dr. Chambless suggested that you tense the muscles of your body to direct the blood pressure to the head.

The whole thing will be over in seconds, and a distraction can help you get through it.

It could be a YouTube video on your phone, or your favorite song playing. You can take deep breaths or practice meditative techniques, or tilt your toes, or look around and count all the blue items you can see in the room.

Many people choose not to look directly at the needle. You do not have to see it.

“Draw your attention away from what’s going on,” said dr. Rajapakse said.

For some people, the nervous anticipation of the shot is almost as severe as the pinch itself.

But in the case of the Covid-19 vaccine, there is a lot to look forward to if the vaccine succeeds in returning to normal. Dr. Rajapakse said that when she received her first dose, “my personal feelings were optimistic and excited, rather than feeling nervous about it.”

“Keeping it in front of you can make it a little less nervous experience for you,” she said.

The media can do its part by showing fewer images of people looking uncomfortable while a needle goes into their skin, which can aggravate feelings of anxiety, said Dr. Rajapakse said.

A good countermeasure is all the positive photos that appear on social media of people having their vaccination cards, she said. (Just be careful how much information you share.) The more selfies, stickers and thankful messages people see, the more likely they are to associate the vaccine with positive feelings, she said.
