How to Get a Chip of a Dollar Influenced by the Prices of Television and Portable Pants Around the World


7 Apr 2021 03:58 GMT

The crisis of chips has many factors. Fue anticipated by a calculation error of the companies in the sector.

The launch of a pawnbroker, valued at a dollar, provoked a crisis and the global semiconductor industry, informs South China Morning Post.

The crisis of chips has many factors. Fue anticipated by a calculation error of the companies of the industry, which predict the reduction of the guests of society in the brand of the pandemic. However, the confinement is that many users are renovating their devices to work and study the form, which increases the demand. In this way, the pandemic converts to a ‘black fires’ extended online.

Cabe signals that the Production technology these pieces are outdated. The special machines that are employed for the process are agonizing. Mientras tanto, la demega sigue a ritmos elevados y ya va más dela tecnológico. In these circles the producers can not satisfy the needs of the market.

Además, the expansion of the manufacturing lines of this component no tiene sentido económico. Existing lines are adjusted to obtain perfect case yields, which means that you can make the basic pantry controllers with less than one dollar. In addition, it buys new equipment and starts with many more important guest appearances.

Other reasons

What makes the situation worse is la falta de vidrio. The main manufacturers of material report accidents at production sites, including an aisle at the Nippon Electric Glass Co (Japan) factory in December 2020 and an explosion at the AGC Fine Techno Korea plant (South Korea) in January. . It is probable that the production will be slowed down to a minimum during the next season, led by Yoshio Tamura, co-founder of DSCC, an expert consultant in industry.

The combination of these factors has led to the assessment of products and, in consequence, in addition to the costs of the liquid crystal display panels, essential components for the manufacture of televisions and portals, as well as automobiles, aircraft and various machines .

“Never before has it been in the last 20 years since the founding of our company”, said Jordan Wu, executive director of Himax Technologies Co., proves the lighter of the pants controllers. “Todavía did not leave us a position in which we can see the light at the end of the tunnel”, lamented.
