How to do a fact check

Logical is a fact-checking platform run by data scientists, writers and developers trying to stop misinformation using AI and expert analysis.

In this workshop, Logical CEO Lyric Jain; Vice President, Indian Operations, Sagar Kaul; and senior facts controller Devika Kandelwal discuss their platform and work. The discussion is moderated by Meghnad S of Laundry News.

Introduction Logical, Says Jain, “We fight misinformation on a large scale, around the world.”

Spreading false information may seem like a simple problem with a simple solution, Jain argues, but it’s pretty complicated. There are many stakeholders who are adversely affected by misinformation, whether it is an ordinary man influenced by false propaganda or a government making decisions on national security and public health, or that media organizations make money for unreliable content .

Jain pointed out that fact-checking was an integral part of the work of a media organization, saying: ‘It was the role of sub-editors to ensure that any information that a newspaper or media house brought out was accurate, otherwise it would be legally held responsible for it, otherwise the reputation would be at stake. But as the commercial model of journalism and newsrooms changed, the function became completely exhausted. ”

The Logical team also provides a presentation on how the platform checks content and takes questions from the audience.


Text by Rebecca Varghese.
