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From the decade of 1950, nutrition experts began to study the mediterranean diet and his relationship with the mayor expecting life from the population of those zones, like Spain. Ahora, la USNews & World Report ha nombrado la dietit mediterránea como the most recommended for food in 2021.

An expert panel on EU reconciling health issues states that the Mediterranean diet help reduce cardiac disease risk, cancer cancers and other serious health ailments “. In addition, the foods that conform” accelerate metabolism, fortify the dogs, alleviate the pain and molestation, minimize abdominal grass and increase energy y el poder serebrale “.

For these reasons, among others, the quarter is still consecutive in that the Mediterranean diet is chosen to lie first in the annual information of the American Review. It’s the best score ever since preventive cardiovascular and diabetes tipo 2, also to be “the most easy to follow”, for the variety of foods that can be taken and “the best diet based on foods of vegetable origin”.

Each has a mayoral number of studies that attribute benefits to the Mediterranean diet. Reduce premature mortality, help prevent depression, prevent grass growth in hygiene and prevent cognitive decline, as well as Dr. Martínez González in his book ‘Qué kom? Science and Consciousness to resist ‘. This nutritionist expert explains that it is necessary to have a Mediterranean diet “it is able to cover all the nutritional needs of a person”, as are proteins, fiber, salads, vitamins and minerals.

The Mediterranean, the best among the 39 analyzed diets

The citation rankings of USNews & World Report analyzes casi meden centenar de dietas and este año han incluido el novedoso plan Noom, which looks like an app and is in fashion in the United States. “Really works well in its first year”, urges the experts to choose to lie in the category of best commercial diet.

Of those who 11 fueran elegidas como las más aanbeveel de cara a 2021 parto maintain our healthy body and not to lose weight, all of them have common foods in common: olive oil, fruits, vegetables or whole grains. On the other hand, there are ultra-processed, sweetened sugars, saturated grasses and red currants. The analyzes in detail and continuation.

Croissant cake with mermaid

1 – Mediterranean diet

A study will identify the foods in the Mediterranean diet that most reduce cardiovascular risk
A study will identify the foods in the Mediterranean diet that most reduce cardiovascular risk

It is the traditional type of food for the Mediterranean people, although it is not clear what the current pattern is. It has extended to many countries del mundo y ya es una EEUU reference for the American Association of the Corazon (AHA), the Institutes of Health of the North American Government (NIH) or the North American Scientific Committee, among other estates.

The main foods that shape the Mediterranean diet, the Dr. Martínez González, son “los Fresh vegetables not processed, fished and cooked (without caer in excess), tres o quuatro huevos a la semana (prescindibles) “, Además, se ha demostrado que the olive oil in conjunction with a wine vase to our support “anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, cardioprotective and antioxidant properties”.

On the contrary, the Mediterranean diet is characterized by a “low carne consumption, very high carne baio and zero processed carne”. Tampoco hay espacio para “los lácteos grasos” como natas, mantequillas o leches enteras, “al ser ricos en grasas saturadas” apunta el Dr. Martínez González.

2 – Flexible diet and DASH diet

Flexita diet
Flexita diet

In the second position empathy is these diets that are similar. The experts who worked on the USNews & World Report study point out that, like the Mediterranean diet, “it is easy to follow and focus on the foods that people can include, not exclude” from their diet.

The flexible diet is a diet vegetarian flexible. It is said that the majority of food is vegetable, but allows the consumption of eggs and lactose. In addition, the carne can be taken on special occasions, but given priority to green fruits and fish.

The DASH diet (Food jars for Detain Hypertension, by its sails in English) is formed by rich foods in calcium, potassium, magnesium and fiber, which to combine, ayudan a decrease arterial pressure. It is salty and high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, rich in grasses and lean proteins, as well as MedlinePlus in EEUU.

Product with protein supplement

3 – Dieta Weight Watchers

Plate of arrows, broccoli and chicken
Plate of arrows, broccoli and chicken

The third place is for the WW diet, chosen as the best commercial diet that works for people in the EU. Founded in 1963 by Jean Nidetch at his home in Queens, New York. It works by points (‘smartpoints’), it is said, the healthy foods son bajos in points, while the processes suman muchos. Asia, you can never beat them points established each day. The objective is to lose weight in a healthy form, weighing 1kg a week if you have a restricted shape.

Foods that include diet are pollo sin piel, huevos, tofu, pescado, mariscos, yogur sin grasa, verduras, fruits, carbohydrates like potatoes or whole grains and salty herbs like water or olive oil. The WW diet has been converted into a community, with an online program, chat with experts, applications, tools, ownership routines y demás.

4 – MIND diet, volumetric diet, Mayo Clinic diet, TLC diet


In each place there are four different diets. The GESIN diet (Mediterranean DASH intervention for neurodegenerative retardation) ayuda a frenar in a 53% the risk of having Alzheimer’s followed by all of his recommendations, including the results of a study conducted by Chicago investigators, and 35% followed only some of his precepts, followed by Nutrition experts from Harvard and Rush universities. Inluie olive oil, verduras, arandanos, peulvruchten, integral cereals, fish, polo and a glass of wine on the day.

The volumetric diet propose comer flat plates, low-energy food supply, ricos in water and in fiber as fruits and vegetables. Includes reduced amounts of foods such as cheese, bread, yogurt and pasta.

The team of Mayo Clinic (EEUU) proposes a large-scale weight control program, in addition to which it will assist in finding affordable and abandoning costly lives. For example “like more fruits and vegetables, do not eat while watching television and move the body for 30 minutes a day”. In summary, the centers in comer healthy foods and increase physical activity traverses of motivation.

The TLC diet (Therapeutic lifestyle changes), which are translated as ‘Therapeutic shifts of the style of life’, was designed by the Instituto Nacional de Corazón, Pulmones y Sangre de Estados Unidos. I think so reduction of cholesterol and arterial artery and cerebrovascular diseases. See centers in reduce LDL (low cholesterol) levels mediate the reduction of the intake of saturated grasses and recommend the consumption of lean carnage (chicken, pavo, conejo …), fish, peulgewasse, fruits, herbs, eggs, whole grains, fatty grasses and olive oil.

Photograph of hamburgera sana de lentejas que triunfa on Instagram.

5 – Orna diet, vegetarian diet, nordic diet

Fruit salad - Pixabay
Fruit salad – Pixabay

And in this position there are three different plans to lose weight. The Ornish Diet, on the appeal of the professor who created it in 1992, calls for “reducing grass and getting better” to lose weight and receive cardiovascular benefits. In the book where he explains everything, ‘Program to restore cardiac disease’, I recommend this vegan diet diet, llena de fruta, verdura fresca, cereales y legumbres. Add fish fillets or fish for fish and a lot of consumption of other products of animal origin. Geen includes carnes, leche, aceites, grasas o alkohol, entre otros alimentos. Different studies the desaconsejan debit to the intake of grass and protein, which is necessary for our body.

La vegetarian diet, known for everything, centers on foods such as fruits and vegetables. Benefits for health, like the reduction of cardiac disease risk, diabetes and some types of cancer.

For the last time, the Nordic diet is considered as similar to the Mediterranean diet, although the main difference is that colza is used in olive oil, according to the WHO. It is based on foods of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, like the salmon, vegetables, bayas, fruit, cereals, legumes and legumes bajos in grass. This type of diet will help reduce the risk of transmissible diseases, such as cancer, diabetes or cardiovascular problems.
