How to Apply for a COVID-19 Vaccine in Los Angeles County

We’re back to March. In some ways, it has never stopped being March. But some things have changed. For example, we now have three vaccines that are allowed to be administered in the United States. And from the first of the month, if you’re in level 1B, you can get one in Los Angeles County. If you’re elsewhere in Southern California, our guide is for other counties.


Am I eligible? Healthcare workers, residents of long-term care institutions and people aged 65 and over are in Level 1A and remain eligible. From 1 March, Tier 1B will also be eligible. This level includes: teachers and childcare workers (including workers in early care and education, public schools, colleges and universities, and independent and charter schools; 1B does not include private childminders and childminders); emergency service workers (including law enforcement, national security, correctional officers, workers who must regularly be in court in person and communicate with clients in correctional facilities, campus and school police, dispatchers and workers for child and adult protection services); and food and agricultural workers (including food-related ports and transport workers, food manufacturing workers, food service workers, farm workers, veterinarians and workers involved in veterinary health, and grocery stores).

You can determine if you can be vaccinated – and be warned if it’s your turn – by using California’s My Turn tool ( or by calling the California COVID-19 hotline at (833) 422-4255 (available) Monday to Friday 8: 00-20: 00; Saturday and Sunday 8: 00-17: 00)

How can I prove that I am eligible? If you are eligible because you are 65 years or older, you must bring a photo ID. If you are eligible for your job, you must bring your photo ID (it does not have to be issued by the government – it could be your job, for example), proof that you live or work in LA County (if your photo -ID is not) does not have all the information) and proof that you work in an appropriate industry. Here is more information from LA County on what documentation is required (click on “4. Required Documentation” at the link).

Do I need insurance to be eligible? Do I have to provide proof of citizenship? No. The vaccine will be available to everyone free of charge, and you will not be asked about your immigration status.

How can I register, and where do I get it?

You can make an appointment through government-run websites, or through private pharmacies and health centers. These options include large delivery sites (sometimes called PODs and MegaPODs), such as those in Dodger Stadium and the Forum. Appointment slots are not always available. This is discussed by If you are trying to make an appointment and all the slots have been booked, you have to wait until more are open.

Depending on your industry, you may be vaccinated by your job or on special websites. Healthcare workers and residents of long-term care institutions are vaccinated in many cases. The LA County Department of Public Health posted this a thread on Twitter and explain where some people in Level 1B can get the vaccine. For example, if you work at a pharmacy in Vons, Pavilions, Sav-on, Costco or Ralphs, the chain will provide in-store vaccinations for employees and food distribution and transportation workers. If you think you need to be vaccinated at your place of work, contact your employer and ask for more details.

Provincial websites offer some dates and places where vaccines will only be available to people in certain work sectors. Check the availability of vaccines at to search for specific industry deals.

To see the full list of all the ways you can make an appointment, along with links to do so, visit the Provincial Department of Public Health website by clicking here and scrolling down to ‘3. Find an appointment. ‘You can also copy and paste this web address into a new browser window:

If you are disabled or do not have computer access, you can call (833) 540-0473 seven days a week for assistance between 08:00 and 20:30.

What about my second dose?

If you receive the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, you will be guaranteed a second dose. Ask at your first dose appointment to determine if your second appointment will be scheduled automatically or if you will need to make the appointment yourself. The second dose does not need to be applied exactly 21 or 28 days later – there is a grace period of up to six weeks after the first shot for the second dose.

If you get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you do not have to worry about it at all: it is a single-dose vaccine.
