How newspapers around the world have covered the deadly riots at the US capital

The week

Trump has reportedly ‘scrambled over Pence’, which could still effectively fire him

President Trump cannot fire Vice President Mike Pence. But Pence could play a big role in ending Trump’s term immediately. The removal of Trump via the 25th Amendment, “a move long dismissed as a liberal fantasy,” is one of a handful of options being considered by shaken-up Trump allies, Axios said Wednesday night. , confirming earlier reports. Republicans are furious with Trump for fueling an attack on US democracy by sending a mob to oust the US Capitol, as well as his leading role in ending GOP control over the Senate, and ‘there is concerns about whether the country can withstand another two weeks with Trump at the helm. “Republicans are also discussing Trump’s censorship, which would do little, and removing him via accusation,” Axios said. “The 25th Amendment would require a purchase of Pence and a majority of Trump’s cabinet. But many of the cabinet members were also loyal to the president and serve in acting capacities, so it is not clear whether there is support or will. not.” On the other hand, Trump says about Pence and his ceremonial role in finalizing the election of President Joe Biden, according to Axios. “If Trump is removed under the unused Article 4 of the 25th Amendment, Trump can not just take back his powers immediately and dismiss all the cabinet officials who wanted to oust him,” George Conway explained. Congress has 21 days to act. Since Trump now has less than 14 days left in his term, Congress can only run the clock with Pence in place until Biden is sworn in. >> – George Conway (@ gtconway3d) January 7, 2021 The idea of ​​removing Trump by 13 days left in his term, the leaders of the GOP of the House or Senate are not yet embraced, says Axios, “and it is too soon to know whether those who talk about it are just giving off steam after a shock to democracy, or a critical mass exists to continue. “But Pence looked quite irritated and perhaps even a little presidential when he reconvened Biden’s congressional election victory after police removed the pro-Trump crowd from the Capitol. . “I know Mike Pence forever,” Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) Told the Tulsa World on Tuesday night, after a day of public abuse by Trump. “I have never seen Pence as angry as I do today. I had a long conversation with him,” he added. “He said, ‘After all the things I did for (Trump). “” More stories from Trump aides apparently conclude he is ‘mentally unreachable’. Mick Mulvaney resigns from Trump administration: ‘I can not stay here’ Congress, Pence confirms Joe Biden’s presidential victory
