How much money does Donald Trump have ?: the president’s fortune is falling apart | News Univision Politica

The Trump heritage chain is worth $ 700 million and is located at $ 2,300 million.

“Trump’s net patrimony is reduced … since $ 3,000 million when it is converted to president. “The pandemic that promises to appear is golfing on its business, and it (as a capitol) that it has a political juvenile for the second time is giving its mark”, explains Bloomberg.

The analysis studies financial documents between 2016 and 2021 to calculate Trump’s wealth.

“With at least $ 590 million in debt, we are looking forward to the next four years, more than the number of meetings guaranteed personally by Trump,” the publication said, adding that he could recover, without embarrassment, when the common pandemic spread.

Impact strategy

Bloomberg says that, including the ongoing negotiations for Trump, “I must approve their losses to the users in order to record their taxes, as they have for years”.

Commercial real estate, which already represents the three quarters of its net worth, is the most important part of its fortune and is one of the most affected industries to be hit by the 2020 pandemic. This is because miles of offices will increase its operations in remote work modality, with workers from their homes.

Golf courses, airplanes, hotels, offices and offices … practically everything has lost value.

Among the most important consequences for Trump’s negotiations that led to the insurgency of the 6th year, for example, the Association of Professional Golfers (PGA, by its seals in English) repealed the agreement with its champions in the Trump brand camp . Deutsche Bank is one of the most vociferous people working with Trump to lie to those who say they will not negotiate with the executives.

Trump, in addition, is seeking a criminal investigation into his financial aid and the organization that lives up to his appeal. Although the full punch of the peso is not known, it is clear that the pagans were killed in two wives in the 2016 campaign in exchange for their silence about amorous adventures with Trump and possible fraudulent impositions.

The President has made clear publications on imposing statements, corresponding to his own statements stating that there are no ‘problems’ in making publications under tax. An investigation of The New York Times published in 2020 revealed among other things that Trump has paid 750 dollars in taxes (yes, 750 dollars) the year the presidency won.

