How much chocolate can you eat on a healthy diet?

Consume rich foods and antioxidants, in the market for a balanced and healthy diet, you can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic illness. And it’s at this point where the chocolate, depending on what you think, you can use a basic paper.

‘It was demonstrated that the flavonoids of cocoa protect against the oxidative attack, frenan the reactive species of oxygen and the biomarkers of oxidative esters. In addition, epidemiological studies suggest that the consumption of cocoa has cardiovascular beneficial effects on cardiovascular health”, Explica Carlos Ríos.

Pero no todo el cocoa o el chocolate is recommended. There are many menus. “How much pure cocoa powder as chocolate, with more than 80% cocoa, its saludable options, but with a elevated energy density -cantidity of energy that proportions a diet according to its weight – deprived of its content in grass and carbohydrates “, added Ríos.

The problem of chocolate consumption wine is consumed when ‘sucedáneos’ are consumed in highly recommended products such as ultra-processed foods or with a lower amount of cocoa in the comment with anterior. ‘In los ultraprocessed, no solo pierden estos compuestos bioactivos nie; we are adding other ingredients that have the potential to increase our sensory properties and increase our palatability. As well as demonstrating some studies, increasing the amount of sugar can increase its psychoactive and addictive effects, ”Ríos said.

“By the way, the benefits of health as the control of arterial pressure, the best tolerance to glucose, the best in vascular function; just like his aphrodisiac can only be associated with black chocolate (> 80%) ”, says the nutritionist.

¿Can you just recommend the chocolate?

Llegados at this point, what is the amount of chocolate that is recommended in the Marco of a healthy diet? ‘Look at social context, the emotional state or the animated pueden can dispense a determinant papel in its consumption. Chocolate addiction has been reported by at least 40% of women in Western countries; being the ‘chocoholismo’ or the inability to resist and the mayor deseo tras the first murder algo recurrente. In any case I recommend 2 ounces (2 cups) of black chocolate (> 80%) to the day”, Conclusion Carlos Ríos.
