How good is Indotel’s decision to launch mobile cellular activation

Citizens are considering the proposed resolution by the Council of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) on the subject of photography and digital hubs at the time of activation of a mobile phone.

In a report made by reporters of the Listín Diario some people are shown in favor of the media.

“I find it very interesting because in the country we have a high altitude and I have reduced the cell robe, it is a good medium that is already Indotel ”, we have a city that we can not identify.

While Yanirys Peralta agrees that this resolution will reduce insecurity.

“As part of this, because of the way in which the cellular robbery can be carried out regularly, we also understand that the cellular system comes with a protection that includes GPS ” travel, ‘says Peralta,

In the same way, Luis Alberto expressed his agreement with this new medium.

“It’s a security for one, at least for those who have cellular bodies and can protect their spiritual spirits, their spiritual spirits who are cellular sisters”, said Alberto.

If the Mayor of the entrevistados agrees with this new security system that implements the regulatory entity of the telecommunications, others will be skeptical about the operation of the same and include some as a negative.

“I do not agree with the photograph. The hula sí, the photo exposes to the user ”, expressed another citizen in this diary.

On the day of ayer, Indotel informs that it will be vigorous on the 11th of January next to a new resolution, but has been suspended until the 6th of February to apply for service providers, in order to complete the work required as a result of photographs and typewriters.

This will be summarized in resolution 92-19, to take control of the cellular register and avoid the activations of the robotic teams.

The president of the Indotel, Nelson Arroyo, says Listín Diario are the ones whose mediums of resolutions will be a register of the IMEI of the cellular ones at the moment of being activated.

The IMEI, in English means International MobileEquipment Identiy (International Identity of Mobile Team), allows easy cellular communication by means of this numbering, or at least in the case of lost or lost.


Resolution 070-19, said Arroyo, is in the hope that service providers will install the equipment that will be required and will be required for the people who will activate a cellular, such as their photographs and the collocation of their dactyls.

This provision, “Norma which regulates the contracting and activation of public telecommunications services”, was approved by the Board of Directors of the Indotel, but it is expected that it will come into force on 6 February.

Ayer, the Listín editorializó on the theme and llamo to return the sanctions to tends that adquieran cellular a sabienda of his dudosa property, a proposito del asalto mano armada al director of periodic El Día y su familia el pasado sábado en un parque en la community of San Cristóbal.

In recent weeks, the Indotel will launch an explanatory process of the standard for its importation.


Claudia García, Executive Director of the Association of Companies of Communication and Technology (Comtec), affirms that the operators have adhered to the terms and systems to ensure that the Negative Series System is consulted in the registration process. mobile terminals in its red.

In addition, customer service providers have robotic terminal reporting mechanisms or losses that are presently present in their work hours and telephony service centers in the 24-hour mode during these days.


February 6 enters new resolution. Users that vayan activate a cellular tenderness that take a photo and pose its huellas.

Nelson Arroyo declares all the tener the IMEI’s register has ten control of the person active a cellular.


The editorial list on the subject and is called to return the sanctions to those who have been cellularly informed about their property.


This provision, “Norma which regulates the contracting and activation of public telecommunications services”, was approved by the Board of Directors of the Indotel, but it should be implemented by 6 February.
