How Gabriel Sterling Settled Trump’s Claim Claims for Georgia, Point by Point

TRUMP’S CLAIM: That tens of thousands of eligible voters vote.

STERLING’S EXPLANATION: The actual number of votes cast by non-eligible voters is small and not nearly enough to change the outcome of the election.

Mr. Sterling also addressed more specific claims about ineligible voters:

  • Mr. Trump said thousands of people voted even though they were not registered to vote. This is impossible, said Mr. Sterling said: ‘You can not do that. A ballot paper can not be issued to you, there is no way to bind it to you; there is nowhere a name to vote for unless they are registered voters. The number is therefore zero. ”

  • Mr. Trump said thousands of voters died before the election. Mr. Sterling said the Secretary of State had found only two that fit the description.

  • Mr. Trump said hundreds of people voted using mailboxes rather than a residential address. Mr. Sterling said the foreign minister was still investigating, but that everyone he had investigated so far had in fact used a proper residential address – just one for a multi-family home or apartment building.

  • Trump’s campaign said many criminals voted. In fact, the secretary of the office identified only 74 people using records of the government and probation departments of the state maybe fits that category – and mr. Sterling said the final number would be even lower if the office completed its investigation, because in many cases the person may have had their voting rights restored after sentencing or simply the same name as a criminal.

  • According to Trump’s campaign, tens of thousands of people under 18 voted. “The actual number is zero,” he said. Sterling said, ‘and the reason we know is because the dates are on the voter register. There are four cases – four – where people requested their absent vote before they turned 18, but they were 18 on election day. That means it’s a legitimate ballot. ‘

  • Trump’s campaign said hundreds of voters were voting in two states. Mr. Sterling said officials were still investigating, but that it would be “handful” and that it would not be nearly enough to change the outcome.

TRUMP’S CLAIM: That machines made voices turn, which counts Trump’s ballots as Biden.

STERLING’S EXPLANATION: If that were to happen, Mr. Sterling said, the manual narrative would have shown it, and it showed nothing of the sort.

He discussed the allegations of burglary and said that ballot papers and scanners were not connected to the internet. “Nobody has modems,” he said. Sterling said. “It’s very difficult to hack things without modems.”

TRUMP’S CLAIM: That election officials did not properly verify signatures for ballot papers.

STERLING’S EXPLANATION: The Foreign Minister’s office has brought in signature experts who have examined more than 15,000 envelopes for ballot papers. They found potential problems with just two, and upon investigation, both votes turned out to be legal.

TRUMP’S CLAIM: Compared to previous election cycles, Georgia has rejected a suspiciously low number of ballots.

STERLING’S EXPLANATION: The decline in rejections can be attributed to a newly passed law that gives Georgians the chance to correct problems, such as a rejected signature, with their ballots. Both parties let teams roam the state and contacted voters whose ballot paper was the rejection, but Mr. Sterling said the Democrats were simply more prepared for the task.

TRUMP’S CLAIM: That election officials shredded ballot papers.

STERLING’S EXPLANATION: “There is no fragmentation of the ballot papers in progress,” he said. Sterling said with clear annoyance. “It’s not really. It does not happen. ”
