How does Trump feel about the EU economy?

Mientras la White House tuvo como inquilino a Donald Trump la economy more great of the world tuvo su peor desempeño from the government of Herbert Hoover (1929-1933), which stalls the crisis of 1929.

With a Gross Internal Product (GDP) 20 more weeks than Mexico, the United States economy (EU) recorded a 1% annual increase during the time that Trump was governed (2017-2020).

It’s easy to expand to 1.6% promotional bags with Barack Obama (2009-2016), 2.2% required George W. Bush (2001-2008) y 3.9% verg Bill Clinton (1993-2000), in agreement with the statistics of the Department of Commerce of the American Union.

The last commercial society of Mexico was created by the small government when Hoover governed the American Union, between 1929 and 1932, and its economy decreased by 5.3%, since October 1929 it was called Great Depression, the case is replicated in all cases and will continue during the years 30.

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In recent decades, with the passing of 13 presidents, Trump has taken over the richest countries in the world by applying a policy of reducing taxes and boosting public spending, which will allow the good economic results of the past. 19.

If 2020 is excluded, when the pandemic strains are hatched, the PIB United States recorded a 2.5% rhythm promo, the mayor of Bill Clinton.

Hoo-analysts, considering that, if the coronavirus is not affected by hubies like the peor crisis of 100 years, not matadat tantos estadounidenses, more than 400 miles to the front, Trump is likely to recover to ratify a second mandate, thanks to the expansion that the economy continues to grow.



During the four years of neo-norquino years, 2.8 million employees will be lost, although the balance will remain positive in 2020 at 6.6 million, according to figures from the United States Department of Labor.

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The most drastic destruction of employees in an administration since having a comparable register, as part of the mandate of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1944).


With Trump, consumer inflation reported an annual tax rate of 1.9% with pandemic and 2.1% without it. In both cases, it was more likely than not to be with Obama, when a media report of 1.4%, although the increase was lower than Bush, when the lower prices were 2.8%, according to data from the Department of Labor of the American Union.


Trump sees the White House with the New York valor’s eyebrows, in part, because tax records allow companies to lift net incomes.

The Dow Jones industrial alliance, all but one of the 30 largest American Union companies, has accumulated a 56% gain over its mandate and reported 141 journals of historic highs, results not far from Clinton.

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Beskou is the most representative index of the real situation of the market, the Standard & Poor’s 500 has a yield of 67% and 166 maximum sessions, while the Nasdaq technology indicator accumulates an advance of 138% and 213 record days.


The tensions with China and the most temporary world trade will likely be Trump’s most recorded legacy. During its administration, the trade balance of the American Union accumulated a deficit of 2.3 billion dollars in front of the 2 billions that Obama reported in its first four years, the Department of Commerce said.

United States mantuvo the mayor has a negative balance with China and secondly lies with Mexico, accumulating a deficit of 357 million dollars on the purchase and sale of merchandise in the last four years.


The International Monetary Fund estimates that the US economy will report a 2.5% annual rate during the first mandate of Joe Biden, from 2021 to 2024. To confirm this scenario, there will be a crime rate that Trump is avoiding the pandemic.

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Without embargo, freedom of movement and opportunities will continue to rise as the rest of the world, since the same body estimates that the global economy will expand 4.2% in the next four years.
