How does the COVID vaccine work? We made you a cartoon to explain it.

FOR PROJECT USE ONLY Comic woman gets vaccinated

Click here to read: “How the COVID vaccine can save your life”

Our bodies are full of superheroes and evil villains. We’ve learned first-hand over the past year what a super-villain COVID-19 can be.

But there is finally hope in the fight against the virus – in the form of mRNA vaccinations.

Most of us have seen the word mRNA floating around. It is the powerful ingredient of the first coronavirus vaccines that came on the market in the United States. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use the mRNA as a blueprint to teach our bodies how to fight the virus.

But how does it work? We talked to top doctors in New Jersey to get an explanation and then grabbed our (digital) crayons to make a cartoon!

Click here to read: “How the COVID vaccine can save your life”

Cassidy Grom is a reporter and developer at Reach her at [email protected] Follow her at @cassidygrom.
