How does it affect the practices of Medicine?

La Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic vuelve alcanzar cifras de contagios, hospitalizados y occupacion de camas UCI muy preocupantes. So much so that it is time to step into the health care system. It’s like that from the State Council of Medical Students (CEEM) to sanitize authorities to “increase university contingency plans in front of Covid-19”, to ensure “A just teaching and evaluation”.

“We will prioritize the design and increase of university contingency plans in front of Covid-19. The actual situation of relief, one more time, the preconditions of the university system, incapable in many cases of adapting to the variability of the epidemiological situation. Las Universidades deben waarborg the teaching and evaluation, which is present or telematics, in agreement with the epidemiological situation of each CCAA and guaranteeing the health and safety of its students ”, exhibited by the CEEM in a communication.

These contingency plans, subject to the students, “establish the protocols to be followed to ensure the quality of the training and evaluation of those students who will continue in quarantine, it is by contact contact or by positive Covid-19 ”.

“Practices are unstable”

The CEEM tampon is olvida of clinical practice and its consequence. “It is an unstable and key competence of our formation as sanitary professionals. We have the competent authorities to guarantee the development of the measures, adopting for them all the prevention measures that are considered opportunities ”, subraya.

In conclusion, Medicine students transmit a message of responsibility to all their partners. “We are conscious of the future of Medicine and the National Health System because we take care of ourselves as well, complementing all the hygiene and sanitation prevention and social media for treatment, one more time, to ease the curve, ”he concluded.

Although it contains statements, dates or appointments of institutions or health care professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and elaborated by periodicals. We recommend to the reader that any relationship with the health be consulted with a health care professional.
